Whiteflame is a white she-cat with long red ears, legs, and tail with a red spot on her nose. The tips of her fur are dark brown. She has yellow eyes and medium length fur. She also has sharp teeth, but tries to keep her mouth closed since her mother, Dawnstar, also has sharp teeth.
Whiteflame is quiet, a loner, and reserved. However, she is prone to angry outbursts.
Whiteflame was born in FireClan to her mother Dawnstar and her father Falconclaw. Her parents broke up a month before she was born and Dawnstar didn't have time to take of her, so she gave Whitekit to SunClan. Dawnstar almost killed Whitekit, but Leafbird convinced her not to.
Whitekit was fostered by Harlequinice and grew up with her foster siblings Dewkit, Ocelotkit, Tansykit and Mousekit. The cats of SunClan were not welcoming towards her since her mother was an exiled SunClan cat. Dawnstar did numerous bad things and Whitekit was judged for having "bad blood."
Whitepaw was given Jadespring as a mentor because Stonestar knew he could trust his daughter to mentor Whitepaw. Jadespring was not fond of her though since Dawnstar murdered her sister Badgerglow. Thankfully, Whitepaw was best friends with Dewpaw who made Whitepaw feel better after the rigorous training sessions with Jadespring.
A couple days after Whitepaw was apprenticed her aunt Leafbird (who died a month prior) started showing up in her dreams. Leafbird claimed that she was a "StarClan mentor" but she actually was a Dark Forest cat. Whitepaw trained with her every few days but Leafbird started showing up in her dreams every day. Leafbird began to show her true colors and started to manipulate Whitepaw to kill Dawnstar because Dawnstar killed her. "Yeah, I kinda guessed we were in the Dark Forest already," Whitepaw says as Leafbird shares her "tragic" story. Also, they were in a dark red forest with evil trees like it was super obvious.
Now that Whitepaw knew how to hunt and fight after a couple weeks of training she wanted to run away. She was sick of the other cats judging her because of her mother. She said goodbye to Dewpaw and left. A few days passed and her grandmother Duskmoss started to look for her. Whitepaw was decent at hunting so she had things to eat but missed the variety back in SunClan. Whitepaw was at the south-most point of SunClan's territory and she realized that she didn't want to be alone and missed Dewpaw. Duskmoss comforted Whitepaw and they went back to camp.
A moon after Whitepaw is apprenticed Dawnstar declares war on SunClan and there's a huge battle on SunClan's territory. Leafbird's spirit shows up and is like "This is your chance Whitepaw!" Even though Dawnstar still has all three of her lives (she only got three since FireClan isn't a "real" clan yet) Whitepaw still tries to fight her. Jadespring stops her though and fights Dawnstar herself. Jadespring manages to take away one of her lives and everyone is in awe since FireClan cats don't know if the lives are real and SunClan cats don't think she got any. Dawnstar does wake up and then absolutely destroys Jadespring, leaving multiple scars on her and even breaking one her back legs. Jadespring is still alive and is left to recover in the medicine den for a few days. After the fight, many cats from both FireClan and SunClan died.
When Whitepaw went to sleep, you already knew Leafbird was gonna be there. She was super mad at Whitepaw for not fighting her but hey, at least Dawnstar has one less life. For the next few days Whitepaw just trained with Dewpaw and the other apprentices and got to know Bramblepaw a bit better.
When Jadespring is well enough to leave the medicine cat's den she immediately wants to start training with Whitepaw despite her leg. Jadespring learnt to balance and walk again but is much slower than before. Jadespring realized she couldn't teach Whitepaw the more advanced fighting moves so she stepped down as Whitepaw's mentor. Santolpelt is Whitepaw's new mentor and she is not too happy about it. At the FireClan and SunClan battle Santolpelt's mother was killed and (in Santolpelt's words) "was all Dawnstar's fault so therefore your fault." Whitepaw literally can't catch a break smh.
A few moons go by and even though Santolpelt and Whitepaw's relationship was rocky at first, their relationship sweetened as Santolpelt worked through her problems and as Whitepaw learned to trust her clanmates more. Jadespring is bitter towards Dawnstar and knows that Whitepaw is her own person but she doesn't want to accept that and chooses to ignore Whitepaw instead. Sometimes Jadespring is on hunting patrol with Whitepaw (she's still a warrior but usually only goes on hunting patrols because they're easier on her leg) but they don't interact unless Santolpelt forces them to.
In those past moons Dawnstar has become closer to AppleClan's leader Spiderstar and they have an alliance between their clans. One day when Dawnstar was travelling to AppleClan her leg got caught in a bear trap and she bled out and lost her second life. Leafbird, of course, showed up in Whitepaw's dream the next night. "AYOOOOOOOOOOOOO GUESS WHAT WHITEPAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!"
"What," Whitepaw says unenthusiastically. Leafbird eagerly shares the incredible news and begs and begs and begs Whitepaw to go and kill Dawnstar now that she's on her last life. Whitepaw refuses since she's just an apprentice so Leafbird gets a wonderful idea. She starts training Whitepaw with some sick battle moves. Leafbird was never good at battles though and this is literally why Dawnstar killed her before Leafbird did any significant damage. Leafbird is still sad that after her death Dawnstar easily replaced her and didn't even care about Leafbird's betrayal. Whitepaw has to sit through more stories of the "good old days" when Dawnstar and Leafbird were besties.
SunClan is just minding their business patrolling the borders when FireClan comes back and starts some beef. The patrol starts fighting the cats thinking that's the only problem since Dawnstar sends outx people to fight with SunClan often but then AppleClan starts attacking from behind. EVEN MORE FIRECLAN CATS COME OUT and SunClan is outnumbered. While Whitepaw is fighting she sees Dawnstar on a hill above, noticing that her back right foot isn't there anymore. Whitepaw debates whether she should keep fighting the FireClan and AppleClan cats or attack Dawnstar for a while before deciding to run up the hill that Dawnstar is on.
Dawnstar noticed that Whitepaw was running towards her but didn't move. For the first time, Whitepaw is all alone with her mother. "Oh. You're a lot shorter in person," Whitepaw says, looking down at Dawnstar.
"You finally meet me after all this time and THAT'S what you have to say?" Dawnstar is offended but impressed. "I think you got your sass from me." Whitepaw just stared at her. "I'm sorry that I couldn't take care of you but why don't you come join your mother in FireClan, where you belong." Her words sound fake and Whitepaw doubts she's shown an ounce of remorse in her life.
Whitepaw shouts, "YOU ABANDON ME, AND THEN YOU DON'T EVEN TRY TO TALK TO ME FOR MOONS, AND WANT ME TO JOIN YOUR CLAN!?!?! I DON'T CARE IF WE HAVE THE SAME WHITE AND RED FUR, I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE MY MOTHER, I DON'T CARE!!!!!!" Whitepaw calmed down and tears formed in her eyes, "You don't even deserve to be called my mother."
All Dawnstar had to say was "Sheeeeeeesh." Dawnstar looked down at the fighting between the alliance and SunClan and smiled. She ran down there and called FireClan to go back to their camp. Whitepaw went back down there and Dewpaw saw that she was upset and comforted her.
Dewpaw and Whitepaw went back to camp and there was a FireClan prisoner named Mosstuft there. Whitepaw was put on guard duty with Dewpaw since Mosstuft didn't seem like much of a threat. Mosstuft was scared but then he saw Dawnstar's fur and Falconclaw's eyes in Whitepaw. "Wait... Are you Whitepaw, Dawnstar's daughter!?" Whitepaw was angry at being called Dawnstar's daughter but said yes. They spoke and Whitepaw learned who her father was. "I have no idea who that is." Whitepaw asked Dewpaw and Dewpaw didn't know either.
After that Stonestar decided that SunClan and SwampClan should be in an alliance to counter FireClan and AppleClan. Cadmiumstar agreed with Stonestar since AppleClan have been trying to push their borders further into SwampClan's territory. Their Clans start to meet at their border and start to train together. Mimosapaw from SwampClan starts training with Whitepaw and he starts to like her a lot. "Ummmmmmm no thanks," Whitepaw says as Mimosapaw asks her out. A few more training sessions later and Whitepaw is sick of Mimosapaw. He won't leave her alone. She fights him with her claws out but he doesn't want to fight back. Mimosapaw is badly injured. Santolpelt is angry with Whitepaw and some of the older SunClan cats saw Dawnstar's behavior in her. Whitepaw is banned from the training sessions but she's glad that she doesn't have to see Mimosapaw anymore.
Whitepaw's about 11 months at this point and Dawnstar and FireClan have been visiting AppleClan more frequently. The Gathering happens and Dawnstar is mad. She challenges SunClan to another war what a surprise -_- Stonestar says fine since he has SwampClan on his side. Spiderstar is concerned since FireClan is smaller than the other clans (like only about 20 ish cats) but he doesn't feel too bad since AppleClan has almost 60 cats while the other two "real" clans only have 40 each.
War 3 happens and it's an all-out battle between the four clans. Dawnstar and Whitepaw see each other again but this time Whitepaw doesn't bother talking. They fight but then Whitepaw runs away to fight some AppleClan cats and to not get destroyed by Dawnstar. During the fight with AppleClan, Dewpaw's mother Harlequinice sees Antennaear. They both stare at each other and Harlequinice tries to attack him but can't. Antennaear lunges at her and they fight. Then Antennaear reveals to everyone that he was mates with Harlequinice.
Dewpaw runs over and is shocked. Her whole life she thought her father was a deceased SunClan Cat but it was Antennaear from AppleClan. It broke her heart that her mother lied to her her entire life. Also she was half clan, but whatever. Whitepaw said that she was lucky that nobody knew. This makes Dewpaw mad, but the two she-cats make up in a couple days. More fighting happens and the war ends in a draw between the clans. A few cats from every Clan have died, except for FireClan where only Jaspernight died.
A moon and a half later, Whitepaw becomes a warrior named Whiteflame. She became a warrior with Dewpaw and her siblings. She's offended that Stonestar named her after FireClan but whatever. Ocelotpaw becomes Ocelotslide, Tansypaw becomes Tansytail, Mousepaw becomes Mousecloud, and Dewpaw becomes Dewshard. Leafbird tries again to get Whiteflame to kill Dawnstar and Whiteflame says no again. Leafbird doesn't even bother that night.
For the next couple of moons, Dawnstar is doing more and more horrible things and SunClan is suffering from it. It's leafbare now so prey is even more scarce but Dawnstar's clan always has enough to eat since there are less than 25 people. For the past moon Leafbird wouldn't leave Whiteflame alone. Every night Leafbird has been the most annoying thing ever. Whiteflame snaps and finally decides to do it.
The next Gathering happens and Whiteflame is staring at Dawnstar, her yellow eyes intense with hatred. Dawnstar is bragging about her accomplishments as per usual and about what she's going to do next month. "But there is no next month." Leafbird's spirit says as it brightens into view. Only Whiteflame can see her. The Gathering ends and everyone starts to head out. Whiteflame stays behind and looks at SunClan to make sure no one noticed she was gone. She follows behind FireClan, keeping a good distance between them and her.
After the long journey back, Whiteflame stays near the entrance of the camp. She doesn't sleep all night and dawn arrives. Dawnstar's final dawn. Whiteflame can hear Dawnstar's commanding voice in the center of camp. She looks through the entrance to make sure no one is in the way. Quickly, Whiteflame pounces and bites Dawnstar's throat. All the FireClan cats are shocked and the medicine cats try to stop the bleeding, but it's too late. Dawnstar has died. Leafbird is ecstatic and congratulates Whiteflame on her kill. Tinystripe the deputy, his brother Burnttail and Dahliatide start to chase Whiteflame. Whiteflame runs away with the blood still all over her mouth. Once she jumps over the small river in between SunClan and FireClan's territory, the FireClan cats stop chasing her.
Brambleleap is out by himself and he sees his friend Whiteflame. They are by a pond and she washes the blood off her face. Brambleleap asks her what she's done to get that much blood on her face. The only people she's talked about Leafbird to are her grandmother Duskmoss and Dewshard. Whiteflame doesn't want to talk about it, but after a few days tells everything to Brambleleap and they become closer.
The next moon Whiteflame lives in peace, finally being able to sleep without Leafbird interrupting her. The gathering is not so peaceful however. Tinystar is angry at Whiteflame for murdering their "beloved" leader Dawnstar. SunClan and are shocked at this news, but happy that Dawnstar is dead. Duskmoss is saddened at the loss of her last child, but knows that Dawnstar deserved it, and wrapped her tail around Whiteflame. Whiteflame knows that the other cats think she's just as bad as Dawnstar for taking care of her that way so she tries to better herself and not have to murder anyone ever again.
FireClan tries to start a war with SunClan, but without Dawnstar, there isn't much coordination. Whiteflame fights well, especially since in the Dark Forest there were other people besides Leafbird training her. FireClan is defeated, and Tinystar decides it's not worth it to kill Whiteflame. He knows Dawnstar wasn't the best but wants to keep FireClan together for all the family and friendships that were founded.
Pre-Rotting Flower[]
Whiteflame becomes mates with Brambleleap.
During the famine, Whiteflame becomes Emberpaw's mentor. Emberpounce becomes a warrior a month early. Whiteflame was proud of her and they are still friends to this day.
Three years after the comic Brambleleap and Whiteflame have two kits named Redkit and Beetlekit. Unfortunately, Brambleleap dies while his kits are very young.
To be continued, maybe.
Rotting Flower[]
Whiteflame is a SunClan warrior. She is a background character.
Dawnstar: Estranged Mother
Duskmoss: Grandmother
Harlequinice: Foster Mother
Leafbird: Aunt and Dark Forest Mentor
Jadespring: First Mentor
Santolpelt: Second Mentor
Dewshard: Foster Sister and Best Friend
Brambleleap: Mate
Emberpounce: Apprentice and Friend
To be elaborated.
Great-Great-Grandmother: Antfreckle
Great-Grandmothers: Meadowsun, Roseshade
Great-Grandfathers: Cragtooth, Grassclaw
Grandmother: Duskmoss
Grandfather: Russetpath
Mother: Dawnstar
Foster Mother: Harlequinice
Father: Falconclaw
Foster Sisters: Dewshard, Mousecloud, Tansytail
Foster Brother: Ocelotslide
Half-Sister: Redstartnose
Half-Brother: Jaymist
Mate: Brambleleap
Son: Beetleglow
Daughter: Redspark
Aunt: Leafbird
Uncle: Brindlekit
Half-Nieces: Vixenspark, Hawkshade
Half-Nephews: Snakeflame, Clearstone
Grandpibling: Deerpaw
Granduncle: Adderstorm
Grandaunt: Poppysong
First Cousins Once Removed: Apricotfur,
Second Cousins: Kingfishersong, Apricotberry
Videos Whiteflame Has Appeared In[]
Unfinished Projects 2018-2021: Whiteflame appears as a baby a couple times and a couple times as an apprentice
KIDS | Warrior Cat OC PMV: Whiteflame is abandoned by her mother and then kills her omg
Walking With a Ghost MAP Part 16a: When your aunt trauma dumps in front of you every night in your dreams 😒
Fan Art[]
- Whiteflame was created in October 2017
- Whiteflame is the first page I ever created on Warriors OC's Wiki!
- She is the second pov character of Detestation
- Her mother Dawnstar is the first, they are the only pov characters
- Whiteflame is one of the only characters I have that has a gradient, the others are Lightwave and Twilighttail
- Gradients are not fun to animate lol, so only characters that are worth it get gradients
- Her birthday is sometime in October