Twinpaw is a small bicolor she-cat with a split black and white face and pale green eyes.
Amberthorn's first litter was small, being the smallest of the litter Twinkit was always left aside by her bigger and stronger littermates, the quiet she-kit didn't mind much as she preferred to play alone. It was however in her sixth moon that her world turned as she was offered to be the clan's medicine cat apprentice, courtesy of her overprotective mother, and her dreams of being a sharp-witted apprentice where throw out like scraps of a finished meal. Her first moons learning the ways of medicine cats didn't sat well in her stomach, but later she started to see the bright side of mashing herbs together and treating ill cats.
In a chill night of Leaf-fall, the moor's usual hushed breeze was shattered by the angry howls and barks of a dog pack that fled from Twolegplace, nose-deep into the clans territory, wreaking havoc and hunting terror-filled cats in their wake. Leapstar and his warriors fought bravely using every tactic, from hit and runs, deep into the burrows scattered across the moor-land, to being claw and teeth deep into the flea-bag's fur.
In the end, a tactical retreat to Riverclan's territory was all that was left for the battered Wind-cats. Being chased by rabid dogs was unfortunately the ultimate fate of weaker cats that were unable to out-cleaver the hard-teethed foes, and while helping a group of elders escape to Riverclan, Twinpaw fell prey to the sharp noses of the dogs.
Fleeing through the forest, the terrified she-cat found herself was face to face intricate red stone of the Twolegplace, not even a powerful leap that lead to Twoleg territory was able to deter the three beasts that chased the she cat, and a small hole in the bright red stone was all the rabid dogs needed to reach the other side. In her frightened mind, Twinpaw knew that there was only one thing to do, run giving all she had and pray to Starclan that she would be able to loose the dogs.
Twinpaw is a shy she-cat that preferes to keep to herself, most of the times she will keep quiet as not to cause any drama especially when she's around her family. The time spent in the Stone Forest made her grow more bolder as she traveled with the laid-back tom, Ghost Face.
- Twinpaw was originaly going to be named Moonpaw.
- She was also going to be a warrior apprentice not medicine cat.