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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki

SwampClan is one of the four clans in Rotting Flower. The other three are AppleClan, SunClan, and FireClan.


SwampClan was the first clan founded out of SwampClan, SunClan, AppleClan, and FireClan.

Swampy got the idea to have many cats live together so people would fight less about prey and territory. He was an incredibly generous and benevolent leader. He received his nine lives and his leader name, Swampstar, but he didn't want other cats to feel inferior to him, so he remained as Swampy.

Over time, SwampClan evolved to be more battle prone than the other clans. They live more in the moment and focus on an individual's experience rather than anything for the greater good. Out of the three original clans, they are the least religious.

Detestation Allegiances[]

Leader: Cadmiumstar

Deputy: Unknown

Medicine Cats: Unknown

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Possibly Quietleaf

Warriors: Eelbranch, Sparrowtuft, Mistdapple, Plantclaw, others

Apprentices: Mimosapaw, Splashpaw, others

Queens and Kits: Unknown

Elders: Unknown

Rotting Flower Allegiances[]

Leader: Splashstar

Deputy: Squirreltail

Medicine Cats: Quietleaf, Milkypaw

Warriors: Fawnpetal, Mimosaleaf, Frostyriver, Wolffur, Treesplash, Sprucescar, Doerain, Tidehawk, Lilycreek, Lemonflower, Beewing, Wingfall, Sandcliff, Craneheart, Timberskip, Fleeteye, Longleg, Seedmist, Fenmoon, Rockyfin, Carameldrop, Tallstorm, others

Apprentices: Heronpaw, Sootpaw, Tawnypaw

Queens: Unknown, Lakewisp

Kits: Hazelkit, Moonkit, Waterkit, Honeykit, Mousekit

Elders: Eelbranch

Leaders and Deputies[]


Founder of SwampClan and thought of the idea of clans as a whole. Officially named Swampstar, but he's super humble, so he went by his original name instead.

Deputies: Unknown

Medicine Cats: Unknown



Battle-hungry and eccentric. Will always do the most dramatic thing possible to entertain himself.

Deputies: Unknown others, Splashheart

Medicine Cats: Unknown others, Quietleaf


A kind and benevolent leader. Avoids conflict, especially ones that involve violence. Invites loners to join her clan all the time.

Deputies: Unknown first deputy, Squirreltail

Medicine Cats: Quietleaf, Milkysage


omg she's such an old oc of mine lol

Deputies: Sandcliff, Floodstone

Medicine Cats: Quietleaf, Milkysage, this dude who was named Smokeherb 💀


Darkfrost's brother. Tries to help people, but is blind to what they actually want and instead does what he thinks is best.

Unknown deputies and medicine cats

Medicine Cats[]

Quietleaf: some rando

Milkysage: girlboss

