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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki

SunClan is one of the four clans present in Rotting Flower. The other three are AppleClan, SwampClan, and FireClan.


SunClan was the second clan founded out of SwampClan, SunClan, AppleClan, and FireClan. Their founder was a guy named Sun Shine who liked Swampy's idea of founding a clan. Swampy wanted to form clans to stop the cats from fighting over resources.

Sunstar went on to give SunClan a reputation for starting wars. He went against everything Swampy said. Overall, very annoying. The cats under SunClan thought they should have more territory.

SunClan's second leader continued the fighting, and the next. Their fourth leader, Rosestar, wanted to stop the fighting. She was like super diplomatic or something. She invented gatherings in this world.

Years and years later, Stonestar is in charge of SunClan.

More about that.

As of Rotting Flower, SunClan is the most populated clan.


SunClan is a family oriented clan, so they tend to take better care of their young compared to the other clans. They are moderately faithful to StarClan, neither apathetic nor obsessed.

In SunClan, getting the sun suffix means you are one of the best and most honorable cats in the clan. These are cats who have a lot of courage and are willing to sacrifice their lives to save their clan.

Detestation Allegiances[]

Beginning ------[]


All 40 cats that were alive in SunClan at the beginning of Detestation. Drawn in July 2020

Leader: Stonestar

Deputy: Eagleray

Medicine Cat: Navymoon

Warriors: Russetpath, Grassclaw, Cragtooth, Snowflower, Badgerglow, Jadespring, Featherholly, Cloudwind, Boulderclaw, Cocoontail, Sireneyes, Daisydapple, Shrewear, Treefoot, Dandeliontail, Steelsnake, Mintcharm, Poppysong, Adderstorm, Lightstrike, Harlequinice, Roseshade, Saltheart, Woodlash

Apprentices: Apricotpaw, Peachpaw, Lightningpaw, Ochrepaw, Dawnpaw

Queens: Duskmoss, Heathergaze

Kit: Leafkit, Swankit, Pondkit, Batkit

Elders: Firerock, Antfreckle

End ------[]

Leader: Stonestar

Deputy: Eagleray

Medicine Cats: Navymoon, Rockbelly

Warriors: Whiteflame, Santolpelt, Darkblaze, Pigeonnose, Jadespring, Swanivy, Dewshard, Duskmoss, Cragtooth, Apricotberry, Kingfishersong, Dovesnow, Daffodilflight, Sandsun, Snowflower, Boulderclaw, Harlequinice, Peachnose, Saltheart, Pearstem, Brambleleap, Ocelotslide, Mousecloud,Lightningwhite, Doefern, Lightstrike, Battalon, Mintcharm

Apprentices: None

Queen: Shadedflower

Kits: Juniperkit, Aphidkit, Chestnutkit

Rotting Flower Allegiances[]

Leader: Stonestar

Deputy: Eagleray

Medicine Cats: Rockbelly, Beechheart

Warriors: Shimmeringsky, Dovecloud, Silverfrost, Ocelotslide, Jestersnap, Oleanderfleck, Redswoop, Mintymoon, Whiteflame, Kingfishersong, Mousecloud, Riverfox, Sunflowerpelt, Beetleglow, Redspark, Shadedflower, Lightningwhite, Chestnutseed, Juniperleaf, Sweettooth, Cicadafang, Daffodilflight, Leopardrain, Spottedfeather, a few more ppls, mystery guy 🤪

Apprentices: Shadepaw

Queens: Morningglow, Fernstripe, Emberpounce, Dovesnow

Kits: Snowkit, Butterflykit, Barkkit, Lizardkit, Duckkit, Mantiskit, Dragonflykit

Elders: Duskmoss, Snowflower, Boulderclaw
