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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Soilstrike is a pale brown color point cat with dark stripes underneath his eyes and a dark brown triangle on his chest. He has pale green eyes and an average build. He also has really large front fangs compared to other cats. Soilstrike has smooth fur and his head is a semi-circle.


Soilstrike hates to be alone. He has a tendency to rush into things. He's humble and sentimental. It takes a lot for him to let go of something.

To be elaborated.

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

(To be edited)

Soilstrike was born to Dawnwing and Harestep alongside his sister Antberry. His life was normal until the drought happened. Soilkit was five moons old. Everyone was starving and the only thing growing was despair.

Soilpaw was apprenticed to Sandyheart. A few weeks later, Soilpaw watched his father get killed in a fight for a mouse. He becomes a warrior named Soilstrike since his hunting is extremely accurate.

Soilstrike receives Coldpaw as an apprentice at a year and 3 months old. Brownstripe and Soilstrike train their apprentices together. After only two moons, they grow closer together and become mates. They were both really lonely and decided to be lonely together 🤪

Soilstrike loved to spend time with Brownstripe, but Brownstripe was always busy doing things for Spiderstar.

At some point between summer and winter, Antberry dies. Soilstrike is very sad at her passing.

Soilstrike had always had an amazing relationship with his mother. Dawnwing was tired of the injustices in AppleClan and thought that the height hierarchy was stupid. Dawnwing and Wavewisp decide to kill Spiderstar and then force Flowerfoot to step down as deputy so AppleClan could have more competent leaders instead of just the tallest people for no reason other than "tradition." Soilstrike helped them plan the assassination.

More to be added about that later.

Even more moons passed, and Brownstripe became more and more distant and the clan became even smaller. Soilstrike was extremely emaciated and could barely do anything anymore. One night he had enough of being pushed aside and let all his anger out on Brownstripe. Soilstrike broke up with him and left the clan in the middle of the night.

He passes out in front of the SunClan camp the next morning. The warriors decide to let him recover in the medicine den. One of these warriors was Emberpounce. She showed him nothing but kindness and was there for every step of his recovery.

He became an official warrior of SunClan after showing off his skills to Stonestar after a couple weeks. Emberpounce and him became mates after like barely anytime omg. Soilstrike was also given an apprentice, much to the dismay of the SunClan born warriors. He gets discriminated for being born in AppleClan, but as long as he has Emberpounce on his side, he's happy.

Rotting Flower[]

Everybody in AppleClan thinks Soilsrike is dead since he's been gone for 4 moons. Brownstripe doesn't understand why his mate broke up with him and is very sad about that. (Bruhhhhhh he didn't even listen to Soilstrike AS PER USUAL.)


DawnwingfaceDawnwing: Really awesome. Soilstrike would do anything for his mom.

WavewispfaceWavewisp: They interacted for sure. Possibly like a godmother to him

BrownstripeheadshotBrownstripe: Very on and off relationship. They broke up and got back together like three times before Soilstrike permanently ended things.

To see more go to BrownSoil

EmberpouncefaceEmberpounce: Current mate. Great!

Coldstep: Pretty good. Soilstrike's former apprentice.

To be elaborated.


Mother: DawnwingfaceDawnwing

Father: Harestep

Sister: Antberry

Former Mate: BrownstripeheadshotBrownstripe

Mate: EmberpouncefaceEmberpounce

Son: ElkkitfaceElkkit

Aunt: Heatherleaf

First Cousins: SandyheartfaceSandyheart, Tanhorse, Halfhawk

First Cousins Once Removed: Deershine, Scorpiontail, Barktuft, Brindlepaw, Spicekit, Pebblekit

Videos Soilstrike Has Appeared In[]

Revived Part 25 (W.I.P): When you're revived

PICK UP THE PHONE BROWNSTRIPE: When your ex-boyfriend steals your kid >:O

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: When your ex-boyfriend is becoming distant

bisexual cat running: What the title says 🤪

wips 🤩: his picture shows up at 0:47 and 1:58

Unfinished Animations by yours truly 😘: He shows up during #1 (best divorced couple ever), #6 (slay), and #18 (what 😒)

Just Standing There: He's just standing there. MENACINGLY.

wip of “Forgiveness”: Getting back together with his husband for the fourth time 😨


1. Small Town by Kero Kero Bonito


2. Andy, You're a Star by The Killers


3. This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory


4. That Night by Lucia Zambetti


5. Shy-Town by Gorillaz


6. Gossamer by Fashion Jackson


7. Carried Away by Passion Pit


8. Acting by Sweet Trip


9. To Take for Granted by Jhariah


10. East West by Hector Gachan


11. Free by the Martinis


12. Why Didn't You Stop Me? by Mitski

Wow his boyfriend didn't stop him from leaving, clearly Brownstripe hates him

13. Clone by Bondage Fairies


14. Terrified by Jazmin Bean


15. I'm Still Standing by Elton John



Fan Art[]


  • Soilstrike was created in September 2020
  • His first ever typed words were, "Hahahahahahahahhaahahha you can't leave now Brownstripe, you're gonna starve lol.”
    • He used to be so mean lol
  • He became an important character in August 2021 (that's when I decided to make him Brownstripe's ex-husband)
  • His birthday is February 29th (omg leap year lol)