Snapglory was born to Olivesnail and Adderthorn alongside his siblings Sunsetclaw, Brightfire, and Riverdaze.
To be continued.
Pre-Rotting Flower[]
Snapglory chose his own warrior name. He thinks he's so cool and he's not 🙄
Snapglory goes on to mentor his niece Dovepaw.
Snapglory and Salamandercurl become mates. A few moons later, they decide to have kits.
Then a famine happens in AppleClan. The next moon, Sablekit is born.
After a few moons, he leaves and never comes back ever again.
Grandfather: Unnamed brown tabby
Grandmother: Springivy
Father: Adderthorn
Mother: Olivesnail
Brothers: Riverdaze, Brightfire
Sister: Sunsetclaw
Mate: Salamandercurl
Daughter: Sableskip
Uncles: Branchsnout, Squirrelstripe
Aunts: Branchstep, Rosewind
Nieces: Dovelace, 1 unknown niece
Nephews: 2 unknown nephews
First Cousin: Sedgeclaw
First Cousins Once Removed: Brownstripe, Juncocry, Bristlekit, Smokekit