Pre-Rotting Flower[]
Smokekit was born to Softcreek and Sedgeclaw alongside her brother Bristlekit.
She was born during a famine and was malnourished for her entire life. She died very young :(
Rotting Flower[]
Smokekit and her brother will be mentioned at some point.
Great-Grandmother: Springivy
Great-Grandfathers: Salmonspots, the guy who's been unnamed for four years
Grandmothers: Shadetuft, Rosewind
Grandfathers: Frostymint, Maplecall
Mother: Softcreek
Father: Sedgeclaw
Brother: Bristlekit
Half-Brothers: Brownstripe,
Juncocry, Cloudypelt, Coldstep, Birchkit, Wolfkit, Talonkit
Half-Sisters: Skypaw, Echopaw, Magpiepaw
Aunts: Flowerstar, Rookpath
Uncle: Shellfur
Grandaunts: Mothheart, Branchstep, Olivesnail
Granduncle: Squirrelstripe
Half-Niece: Peachkit
Half-Nephew: Beamkit
First Cousins: Thrushstripe, Fawnpetal, Goldenleaf, Vulturestone
First Cousins Once Removed: Spiderdapple, Crescentcloud, Clovepath, Sunsetclaw, Snapglory, Brightfire, Riverdaze
Second Cousins: Sableskip, Dovelace
Fan Art[]
- Bristlekit and Smokekit are the characters of mine with the most siblings at 11 each. They have half-siblings on both sides of their family.
- I only gave her a page so all the names are orange in Brownstripe and Juncocry's infoboxes