Sedgeclaw is a brown tabby tom with a white muzzle, chest, paws, and a white stripe on his tail. His eyes are light green. He is emaciated from living in a famine for two years. He is average height and his face is broad with short ears.
Sedgeclaw is either all or nothing. It's full effort and really trying or giving up in two seconds with him. He's relaxed and he likes to take it easy. (neglecting your children is easy 🤪)
Sedgeclaw was born to Maplecall and Rosewind as an only child. He is 4 moons old at the time of his debut. Dawnstar visits AppleClan often at this time, and is reunited with Rosewind. They were rivals when they were apprentices, so Dawnstar thought it was nice that Rosewind was a mother now.
Pre-Rotting Flower[]
Sedgeclaw had a mostly average early life. He was friends with his cousins. When he was an apprentice, he was easily aggravated into violence, which earned him the claw part of his name. However, he learned to mellow out after learning how to control his anger in other ways.
A few months later, Sedgeclaw became mates with Petalbreeze. Sedgeclaw was dared by his friends to do this since she was beautiful and tall, two things that Sedgeclaw isn't. Everybody thought Sedgeclaw was going to be rejected. He was shocked she said yes. The two cats got to know each other a bit more. Petalbreeze was not the best in terms of personality but what are you gonna do about the past.
When Sedgeclaw was two years old, him and Petalbreeze had Brownkit and Juncokit. Petalbreeze gave Juncokit a very unique name since he was the firstborn (and she liked that he looked like her), while Brownkit got a boring name since Petalbreeze thought her sons were doomed to be average height like their father. Sedgeclaw suggested some tree names for Brownkit, but Petalbreeze's ex-mate is named Barkfray, so she didn't want any tree names. In AppleClan, if you are not above average height, you are nothing. Petalbreeze didn't want to associate with people who weren't tall like her, even her own family.
Sedgeclaw knew that Petalbreeze didn't want to be mates with him, and he didn't want to be mates with her either. They both thought they couldn't do any better though and now they had kits, so they were only going to stay mates until their sons grew up.
Eventually, Brownkit was way taller than the other kits, so Sedgeclaw and Petalbreeze gave him more attention than Juncokit. Sedgeclaw was amazed, and spent way more time with Brownkit after his growth spurt. Juncokit however, was pushed to the side. To get back the attention of his parents, he started lashing out and attacking people. Sedgeclaw at first defended Juncokit, saying he'll grow out of it. Petalbreeze did not stand for this one bit, and only ignored Juncokit even more.
When their kits were 3-4 moons old, a drought struck and spiraled into a massive famine. Juncokit has always been violent, but now he's even worse. When he was five moons old he severely injured Daisykit. His apprenticeship was delayed by a moon and Sedgeclaw was extremely disappointed by his son.
His son Brownpaw was apprenticed to Spiderstar and him and Petalbreeze were so proud. Juncokit was still in the nursery as punishment. Sedgeclaw would visit Juncokit sometimes. Their meetings were very awkward though, and Sedgeclaw had no idea how to help his son.
Eventually, Petalbreeze died when Brownpaw and Juncopaw were 7 and a half moons old. Sedgeclaw was a bit sad, but mostly because his sons wouldn't have a mother to be there for them like he did. Sedgeclaw was always there when Brownpaw needed him (for a bit) but not for Juncopaw. Sedgeclaw couldn't look at Juncopaw anymore, he looked too much like his mother. Eventually, he gave up trying to help Juncopaw, especially after Juncopaw scratched over his second mentor's eye.
Eventually Brownpaw became a warrior named Brownstripe a month early. This made Sedgeclaw very happy, but he wasn't allowed to talk to Brownstripe anymore because Spiderstar adopted him. Brownstripe is under the belief that Sedgeclaw abandoned him like he abandoned Juncopaw. (to be expanded later)
Juncocry didn't become a warrior until he was a year and two months old, three months after his brother. His mentor, Icesnake, decided to delay him by another month because he's really disobedient, violent and irresponsible. Sedgeclaw didn't even call his own son's name during his ceremony.
A few months later, Sedgeclaw and Softcreek decided to have kits to populate the clan since the famine is still happening. They had Bristlekit and Smokekit but sadly they both died before they were two months old. Sedgeclaw liked spending time with Softcreek but was scared to have more kits since Bristlekit was acting like Juncocry did when he was a kit. They broke up and this made Sedgeclaw sad but it was for the best. Softcreek became pregnant with another litter of kits but he didn't want to raise kits that weren't his own. (omg💀)
Rotting Flower[]
Sedgeclaw and his first two children are still alive. When Spiderstar dies, Sedgeclaw hopeful for Flowerfoot's leadership. He's also excited for his son to finally be the deputy. Brownstripe is terrified but Sedgeclaw doesn't care and tells him he'll do great. Sedgeclaw wants to try to be in Brownstripe's life again since Spiderstar is not there to stop him.
Sedgeclaw and Juncocry are on neutral terms. Sedgeclaw ignores Juncocry and Juncocry ignores Sedgeclaw.
Rosewind: Mother
Petalbreeze: Former mate
Softcreek: Former mate
Brownstripe: Estranged Son
Juncocry: Estranged Son
Grandmother: Springivy
Grandfather: Unnamed brown tabby
Mother: Rosewind
Father: Maplecall
Former Mates: Petalbreeze, Softcreek
Sons: Brownstripe, Juncocry, Bristlekit
Daughter: Smokekit
Aunts: Branchstep, Olivesnail
Uncle: Squirrelstripe
First Cousins: Sunsetclaw, Snapglory, Riverdaze, Brightfire
First Cousins Once Removed: Dovelace, Sableskip
Videos Sedgeclaw Appeared In[]
Revived Part 25 (W.I.P): 0:06 he's sitting with his sons, which is not something he does nowadays
Unfinished Projects 2018-2021: He shows up at 14:21 and he's so happy
NEITHER 😭: Sedgeclaw's first major appearance; he's neglecting his sons 😬
wips 🤩: 0:17 ("I'm glad mom left"), 0:25 ("How can I ruin your life? I wasn't even there"), 0:42 ("oh my god")
- Sedgeclaw finally got an actual picture on July 20th 2022, a whole 211 days after his wiki was created
- Originally, his favorite son was Juncocry but then I had to change that for the story to work :(
- He was born sometime in July