- Roarfawn was born into the Clan where they currently reside. They were born during Leaf-fall.
- Larchheather and Sorrelblaze were so busy worrying about and looking forward to the brith that it's only now that they look at their litter of 3 kits, and wonder what to name them (Buttercupkit, Finchkit and Roarkit).
- Roarfawn's tail was badly injured by a dog (at age 30 moons). Roarfawn's mangled tail has healed, but they'll always carry evidence of the incident on their pelt. (at age 33 moons)
- Roarpaw touches noses with Heartspeckle, wondering whether this is truly the right path for them.
- Sorrelblaze can hardly believe how quickly time has passed since Roarpaw was a kit. It still feels like just yesterday that they were tumbling around the nursery, chasing after a moss-ball or some other cat's tail. Misty-eyed with pride and joy, Sorrelblaze throws their head back and tries to cheer the loudest as Roarpaw is named Roarfawn and honored for their tranquility.
- They were mentored by Heartspeckle. Heartspeckle influenced them to be more likely to put others at ease, think things through and bend the rules. Heartspeckle helped become better at providing insight. When they graduated, they were honored for their tranquility. They graduated at 12 moons old.
- Roarfawn mentored Logshade (63-X(66) moons)
- Roarfawn influenced Logshade to be more likely to have trouble adapting. Roarfawn helped them become better at hunting.
- Roarfawn's rejection of Flintfawn was very... public. Everyone's still feeling awkward about it. (at age 49 moons)
- This has been a long time coming - Flintfawn and Roarfawn have become mates. (at age 50 moons)
- A world without Buttercupantler at their side seems cold and empty to Roarfawn, how can life continue on like nothing has happened? Roarfawn trembles, tearing at their nest, unable to sleep as they brood over Buttercupantler's last moments. Did they suffer? Were they scared? Roarfawn can't shake the crushing guilt. (at age 63 moons)
- Roarfawn woke up in the middle of the night to a strange noise. No one else was awake, or so they thought, until seeing someone at the fresh-kill pile. Before Roarfawn could realize their mistake, sharp canine teeth were at their throat, ensuring the Clan wakes up to find their nest empty, and the prey gone.
eyes: green
pelt: tortie
pelt color: dark ginger
white patches: fancy
pattern: minimalone
tortie base: single
tortie color: light brown
tortie pattern: tabby
skin: salmon
fur length: medium
scars: tail base
self-consicous as kit
careful listener as apprentice
valuable insight before
trusted advisor
experience: master (321)
backstory: Clanborn
Roarfawn was scarred by a dog. (at age 33 moons)
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