Warriors OC's Wiki

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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki
Warning: The following content may not be suitable for younger audiences, as it contains abusive relationships.


Olivesnail was born to Springivy and an unnamed loner in AppleClan alongside her sister Rosewind. Rosekit and Olivekit are great friends. She has two older siblings named Branchpaw and Squirrelpaw. A few days after she is born, her father joins AppleClan.

At six moons old, Olivepaw and Rosepaw become apprentices. Olivepaw's mentor is unknown.

Her brother Squirrelstripe starts training as a medicine cat when Olivepaw is seven moons old.


Olivepaw is 8 moons old at the start of the comic. She is a very reserved she-cat and isn't the most capable warrior. She tried her hardest in her youth, but over time she gave up because the other apprentices were leagues above her in skill. As time went on, Olivepaw drifted from her sister and her clanmates.

At a year old both Olivesnail and Rosewind become warriors together. Olivesnail barely passed her assessment. Spiderstar was being a little silly and named her Olivesnail because she is way slower than her peers. He is literally so mean.

I named her Olivesnail because I thought it sounded cute lol

A couple years later, she becomes mates with this guy named Adderthorn. He noticed how lonely Olivesnail was and took advantage of that. Olivesnail thought it was better to be with him than alone. Adderthron tells Olivesnail that no one cares about her except for him. (Not cool Adderthorn 😒)

Rosewind notices her sister becoming more depressed and helps get Olivesnail out of her abusive relationship. Then they get Adderthorn exiled from AppleClan cause he sucks. However, Olivesnail was pregnant.

A few weeks later, Olivesnail has her kits Sunsetkit, Snapkit, Brightkit, and Riverkit.

To be continued.

Rotting Flower[]

She is dead and will not be mentioned.


Father: Unnamed brown tabby that's been unnamed for 4 years

Mother: Springivy

Sisters: Branchstep, RosewindfaceRosewind

Brother: SquirrelstripefaceSquirrelstripe

Former Mate: Adderthorn

Daughter: Sunsetclaw

Sons: Brightfire, Riverdaze, Snapglory

Granddaughters: Dovelace, Sableskip, Foxglovekit

Grandsons: Ripplekit, Rootpaw

Nephew: SedgeclawheadshotSedgeclaw

Grandnephews: BrownstripeheadshotBrownstripe, JuncocryheadshotJuncocry, Bristlekit

Grandniece: Smokekit
