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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warning: The following content may not be suitable for younger audiences, as it contains themes of suicide.
Listen Minty, i also lost someone i love the most like you do, you not alone, Minty, my beloved sister, Flamefang, left me just to be with Frostystar, her mate in FrostClan and have forgotten me and my parents, i talked to her in the gathering, saying "hey sister, remember me?", making sure she still remember me after many moons we didnt see each other, her last responses and words to me was "who are you?" its feels like she doesnt remember me anymore, it hurt the most for me to hear that word from her, really, its feel like i got stabbed on the back and my heart as well, and Brightshadow comforted me after the gathering, you never alone to feel that pain, Minty
Darkstar telling Mintfrost his last moment with his sister Flamefang as telling her she not alone to feel that pain, never will be alone, and comforting her

AU summary[]

after Mintkit was born, 1 day old and have opened her eyes, she saw how happy her father is with Darkshadow, Mintkit reaction to this is happy as well while her mother doesnt, one day where Juniperrunner isnt watching, Brightshadow offered Mintkit to join and be a part of his and Darkshadow's family, she accepted then took away by him, after Juniperrunner saw her daughter now part of a Brightshadow's and Darkshadow's family, she was rage about this news and want her back to her, she convinced her daughter return to her but was declined as she seem more happier with them instead with her father, this caused her more rage, after Blackwing, Greyfall and Whiteshine born and currently playing with their half and step big sister Mintfrost, Juniperrunner started planning the snow scene, Mintfrost were spying her mother then shocked of what she doing, she ambushed, pinned her down and told her not started the snow scene, Juniperrunner unsheathed her claws, scratches Mintfrost eye, permantly blind her on left eye as a distraction so she can free herself from Mintfrost, and Mintfrost failed to avoid the snow scene to happened, Darkshadow bring Mintfrost to medicine den to stop the bleeding on her eye while Brightshadow is on the snow scene with Juniperrunner and his 3 kits, once the snow scene is over, Mintfrost quickly blames herself for being failed to avoid the scene to happened right in front of Brightshadow but was comforted by him, saying its not her to blames, Juniperrunner was killed by Blackwing, then Blackwing went to tunnel and Mintfrost followed her, got Mintfrost's tail mangled by a rockslide while saving Blackwing, trapped together inside, later Chocolatefang and Dustkit asking Mintfrost if she okay, Mintfrost responses with yes, Blackwing and Mintfrost returned to camp and reunited with their fathers and brothers, Whitestar dies, Darkshadow become leader, Darkstar, later loses a life and he got possessed by a dark forest spirit Juniperrunner, and starts planning to kill Blackwing, Greyfall, Whiteshine and Mintfrost, Brightshadow suddenly realizes Juniperrunner currently possesses Darkstar by how he acts toward him just like how Juniperrunner acts toward him, soon as Juniperrunner about to kill 3 kits one by one, it was failed as Blackwing got defended by Mintfrost, Mintfrost told Blackwing get back to camp and she hit her head with a tree and fall unconscious, her spirit nearly killed by Junipperrunner and Mintfrost killed Juniperrunner and she fades away for good, Darkstar drag Mintfrost from StarClan to her body as Darkstar went to his own body, then comforted Mintfrost



Blackwing and Mintfrost are really close, Blackwing sees Mintfrost as her comfort sister and a kitsitter, always sticking, watching and taking care of her when their father is on patrol, once when Blackwing forgive Mintfrost for killing her mother, she forgave her yet her feelings were hurt once again hearing that cause she still loves her mother and cares about her even if she hurt her own daughter and blinded her with her claws and hurt her feelings cause she want her mother stay alive


Brightshadow is Mintfrost father, he offered her be part of his family with Darkshadow when Juniperrunner isn't watching her as a kit, once Darkshadow gave birth to 3 kits, Blackkit, Greykit and Whitekit, Mintfrost is extremely happy and will see herself as a big sister according to the three who always be there for them, after the snow scene, Mintfrost blames herself for failed to avoid the snow scene to happened, Brightshadow forgave her and comforting her, once Blackwing and Mintfrost is freed from the tunnel, Brightshadow, Darkshadow and Blackwing's brother rushes to Mintfrost and Blackwing and hugged them, showing that they misses them after a long time trapped inside tunnel


Juniperrunner and Mintfrost used to be close, now close again when Mintpaw become Juniperrunner's apprentice but it didn't went perfectly and well as mother and daughter they used to before Brightshadow take Mintfrost away from Juniperrunner once Mintfrost spying her mother, she ambushed her and told her not let snow scene to happened, she clawed her eye and blinding her as she didn't listened what she said, hurting her feelings and a distraction so she can free herself from Mintfrost, once when Blackwing is in danger and about to get killed by Junipperrunner in Darkstar's body to avenge herself for killing her, Mintfrost protected Blackwing, have a confront scene with her mother about her action towards her and Brightshadow's family, got herself almost killed as spirit, she killed her mother and her feelings were even more hurt, then grieve for her after her death and will no longer see her again, later was comforted by Brightshadow and Darkstar, telling her it can be hard for losing one she love and care the most and have to say goodbye to them
