One page for all Clans within the "Meower Rangers" Universe as some Clans lack enough information to allow them their own page. Smaller Clans or those that lack the necessary information won't have an infobox, their information will be in a paragraph instead.
All Main Clans/Groups are marked with the "⭐" emoji to separate them from the Non-Main, Separate, StarClan, Villain and Dark Forest Clans/Groups.
GroveClan ⭐[]
GroveClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
GroveClan is mostly in a clearing within a forest in California. The cats are in walking distance of a large lake, a beach, and a public park.
The leader's den is within a large rocky outcropping. The medicine den is in the largest outcropping in the camp. The nursery is a hollowed out den underneath a tree. Other cats make their own dens and nests wherever they want to in camp.
One of the Clan's first leaders from years and years ago, he is remembered as one of the greatest leaders the clan has had. He made his son, Zinniaspots, his deputy as soon as his current deputy died, which instantly upset the clan. From StarClan he saw what his son proceeded to do to the Clans and banished him to the Dark Forest.
A very flusterable cat but a good leader, he gets defensive when cats mention his thinning fur and won't hesitate to put them onto odd jobs to think about their words, though he is a very fun cat when he wants to be and his Clan adores him.
The current leader of GroveClan. Breezestar is known as one of the best leaders GroveClan has had due to his knowledge and temperament. While he was a Warrior, he briefly left the Clan to live in a zoo with a group of Fishing Cats before realising his heart would always be in GroveClan.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Steelstar | Skinny, pale greyish-blue tom with blue eyes | Unnamed cat, Zinniaspots | Unknown | Unknown | Zinniaspots |
Zinniastar | Skinny, calico sphynx tom with brown eyes | Unknown | Unknown | Steelstar | Unknown |
Duststar | Dark greyish-blue tom with a darker 'mask' around his dark brown eyes | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Catfishstar | Grey tom with falling out fur and blue eyes | Applecharm | Berryfur, Redbird, Honeypaw | Unknown | Applecharm |
Applestar | Brown she-cat with brown eyes | Stonefoot, Breezeclaw | Berryfur, Redbird, Honeysand | Catfishstar | Breezeclaw |
Breezestar | Light brown tom with lighter and darker patches and blue eyes | Brackenstripe | Redbird, Honeysand | Applestar | N/A |
Duststar's predecessor and successor are unknown but it is known that he led after Zinniastar but before Catfishstar due to his age and place in StarClan.
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Breezestar (leader)
- Brackenstripe (deputy)
- Redbird (medicine cat)
- Honeysand (medicine cat)
- Foxpelt
- Wiltwhisker
- Stonesnarl
- Sweetberry
- Brightbeam
- Frogpelt
- Pouncefoot
- Nettlestrike
- Boulderberry
- Magpiegrace
- Gemleap
- Eel
- Newt
- Kiang
- Yabby
- Ant
- Zebra
- Lightningswipe
- Bugstrike
- Ashthistle
- Plumbranch
- Stormstrike
- Jaycloud
- Zephyrice
- Tansytail
- Kitewing
- Cedarclaw
- Vandatooth
- Swampcloud
- Violetfur
- Applebriar
- Downfeather
- Jumpdust
- Juinpernose
- Steepfang
- Sheeprunner
- Ramcurl
- Jackalstripe
- Ravenface
- Reedtoe
- Jetheart
- Vinetuft
- Bloomspot
- Galewing
- Owlshine
- Gorgepad
- Longbranch
- Marigoldear
- Pinkflower
- Jackdawpelt
- Roseytail
- Ripplespot
- Pebblefruit
- Robineyes
- Rabbittooth
- Ribbitfang
- Bristlepaw
StarClan Members[]
- Whitefur
- Bouldertail
- Curlypelt
- Rowanwhisker
- Leapflower
- Bigclaw
- Bonesmoke
- Pebbleberry
- Steelstar
- Duststar
- Windleg
- Brittlebones
- Dreamstar
- Toxicvoice
- Ruinpelt
- Elkgrin
Dark Forest Members (MoonClan)[]
- Flytrapstar (faction leader)
- Bonepelt
- Bullstomp
- Sandwing
- Growlysong
- Pigbite
- Roosterpelt
- Eyepelt
- Toadbelly
- Snakelizard
- Darkclaw
- Spiderfur
- Snailflower
- Fantail
- Weaveworm
- Barkclouds
- One-Eye
- Rushheart
- Doublepelt
- Tarfish
- Fleascratch
- Jellyfishglow
- Mantiskick
- Molenose
- Parrotvoice
- Peckbeak
- Spottedback
- Piranhaface
- Blossomclaw
- Silverhorn
- Turkeydirt
- Needlenose
- Darkstone
- Berrymole
- Longnose
Dark Forest Members (DarkClan)[]
A faction of the Dark Forest led by the oldest known Dark Forest cat, a large Mountain Lion known as Darkforest.
- Darkforest (main leader)
- Eclipseheart (section deputy)
- Darkstar (section leader)
- Rayfin
- Roughfur
- Hammerclaw
- Hogbolt
- Largetusk
- Waspgrowl
- Stingstar
- Snappertooth
- Centipedeleap
- Termitebelly
- Mitesnarl
- Lionwind
- Battail
- Mantisstep
- Wildpelt
- Spikeface
- Frightwing
- Hootears
- Lizardfrill
- Whirlspot
- Steelsun
- Drillhorn
- Toadhop
- Mothpelt
- Swarmbuzz
- Moontick
- Swinehuff
Former Members[]
- Wildtuft
- Lightfoot
- Curlystorm (joined BrightClan)
- Rowanleap (joined BrightClan)
- Dragonsoul (joined ReefClan)
- Kindheart (joined ReefClan
- Bonelavish (joined TurtleClan)
- Bigheart (left with TerraClan)
A faraway, spiritual clan that believes each cat's spirits are split into three components based on their best personality traits. It is led by one Lord or Lady who acts as the Healer and the Deputy as well. Their territory is a vast desert with small bodies of water dotted around. They carve dens into the more stable sandstone around the territory. They eat desert-dwelling animals.
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Lord Gold (Courage, Wisdom, Heart) (leader)
Far-away Clan that believe bugs are a blessing. Each member is named after a bug's scientific name. Their royal family is expected to have heir's and continue leading the Clan. Their territory is weaved in and around large rock formations. They make their beds on small outcroppings of rocks. They eat sea-birds, fish and other sea-animals.
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- King Tettigoniidae (leader)
- Heliconius
- Elateridae
- Spodoptera
The first Clan of Boulderberry, Curlystorm and Rowanleap. They have a long-lasting rivalry with GroveClan and often bicker during gatherings.
TerraClan ⭐[]
TerraClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 3 that don't attend gatherings.
Being far from the other Clans they have much more space to call their own.
A very respectable tom that has shown great leadership to his Clan and led them through tough times. Him and a small group of four other cats lead the Clan with him and his deputy as the main leaders.
The decision that GroveClan was too dangerous to stay in due to the multiple Dark Forest attacks was made so Stagspots started a petition to leave. Once he had enough cats to justify leaving he led them far away from GroveClan and the other Clans without looking back, hoping to never see the cursed clan again. He found a lovely area to settle and named his new Clan TerraClan.
Forever loyal and trusting of his new warriors, after Darkfall's disappearance and supposed death he refused to name a new deputy as he didn't want his Clan to think they couldn't rely on their cats so he waited for Darkfall's return or death confirmation. He named Bayfang his new deputy when Darkfall decided that he'd rather live life as a Warrior than a Leader upon his return.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Stagstar | Brown tabby tom with brown eyes | Darkfall, Bayfang | Beeface, Colecloud, Proudwhistle | Catfishstar (original Clan), N/A (current Clan) | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Stagstar (leader)
- Bayfang (deputy)
- Beeface (medicine cat)
- Colecloud (medicine cat)
- Proudwhistle (medicine cat)
- Raintail
- Bearfur
- Hebefoot
- Cherrytuft
- Jasperheart
- Sealpelt
- Dawnshine
- Darkfall
- Mayflower
- Duskglow
- Gingerspring
- Dottedpaw
StarClan Members[]
- Magna
- Zika
- Batbrain
Dark Forest Members (ScorpianClan)[]
Former Members[]
- Bigheart (left for TurtleClan)
Tribe of Fresh Fields[]
A peaceful tribe that took pride in their agriculture to make sure their territory stayed beautiful. Each cat is named after fauna to reflect their pride. They were targeted by Scorpianstar and his Clan, ScorpianClan, for the five sticks encased in stone in the middle of their camp. Knowing that the sticks contained the spirits of fallen warriors and shouldn't be allowed into the wrong paws they kept a close eye on them at all times.
MarineClan ⭐[]
MarineClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
The Clan lives within sea caves but have several small camps outside.
Having led his Clan into countless battles he soon became scarred and gruff but despite his code-abiding nature he stepped down from leadership to live his last life in peace as a kittypet.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Nightstar | Black, battle-scarred, tom with blue eyes | Waveheart | Unnamed cat | Unknown | Waveheart |
Wavestar | Grey tom with blue eyes | Unnamed cat, Fairweather | Unnamed cat, Deerleaf | Nightstar | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Wavestar (leader)
- Fairweather (deputy)
- Deerleaf (medicine cat)
- Smokeheart
- Cragjump
- Divesplash
- Stormflight
- Rain
- Harefeet
- Salmonstripe
- Palewhisp
- Flightleap
- Fishfoot
- Carrottail
- Cocofluff
- Ridgejump
- Whitewhisker
- Spotbranch
- Heatherkit
StarClan Members[]
- Sweetcloud
Dark Forest Members[]
- Screechstar (faction leader)
- Fangstar (faction deputy)
- Hornjab
- Viperwing
- Olympicstar
- Gnatbuzz (faction medicine cat)
- Fireblow
- Whirlear
- Strikebolt
- Nightclaw
- Boltstone
- Fallfeather
- Duckpush
- Spiderweb
- Magmajaw
- Quakestep
- Thunderclaw
- Shockfoot
- Birdtuft
- Fireore
- Splitlizard
- Molefur
- Darkmantis
- Spitvine
- Frozensnake
- Drakespike
- Eelstomp
- Orange-Eye
Former Members[]
- Nightstar (left to be kittypet)
HillClan ⭐[]
HillClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Bronzestar | Very light brown tom with brown eyes | Silvermask | Snakefur | Unknown | N/A |
Logstar | Brown tom with blue eyes | Sourbite | Unnamed Cat | Unknown | N/A |
Known Cats
Present HC Members[]
- Bronzestar (leader)
- Silvermask (deputy)
- Snakefur (medicine cat)
- Slimeface
- Goldlight
- Sweetfang
- Boltdirt
- Bearfoot
- Gemnose
- Pearlglow
- Hollykit
Future HC Members[]
- Logstar (leader)
- Sourbite (deputy)
- Rancidstar
- Sweetclaw
- Boltdust
- Bearclaw
- Gemface
- Pearlshine
- Cloudbite
TurtleClan ⭐[]
TurtleClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings. The Clan gained it's name from the turtle shaped cove they live near.
A very well respected tom within his Clan. He grew to love one of his good friends, Seedcurl, and hoped to be her mate but was shot down when she became mates and had a kit with Lionspot. He took the two on an expedition of his as the three were big into the Clan's history. While the two were distracted with Lionkit, Alderstar found his chance to search by himself and came across the rotting remains of Falsestar and ate them. The spirit of Falsestar possessed him and made him kill Seedcurl and Lionspot, he went to kill Lionkit but was unable to find the kit.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Kingdomstar | Large brown tabby tom with a large mane and green eyes | Shalefur | Unnamed cat | N/A | Shalefur |
Shalestar | Soft brown she-cat with brown eyes | Moonwolf | Unnamed cat | Unknown | Unknown |
Alderstar | Tufty light brownish-red tom with brown eyes | Lionspot | Unnamed cat | Unknown | Wildheart |
Wildstar | Greying, dark brown tom with brown eyes | Eaglescratch, Unnamed cat | Bisonflower, Honeytail | Alderstar | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Wildstar (leader)
- Bisonflower (medicine cat)
- Honeytail (medicine cat)
- Eaglescratch
- Lionwish
- Sharkleap
- Tigerflip
- Spinstripe
StarClan Members[]
- Kindgdomstar
- Shalestar
- Moonwolf
- Lionspot
- Seedcurl
Tribe of Darkest Jungles[]
A tribe of cats that reside deep into the forest near TurtleClan's territory. Lionkit was taken in by them after being found seemingly abandoned as a kitten and received the name Coal of Brightest Embers/"Coal". He left in search of his biological parents in TurtleClan.
Known Cats[]
Former Members[]
- Coal of Brightest Embers
A clan led by TurtleClan's former leader, Alderstar, after his spiral into treachery and madness. He summoned the spirits of ancient Dark Forest Clan led by ancient warrior, Falsestar, and lied to them, claiming he was the reincarnation of their beloved ruler, so they would listen to him.
Known Cats[]
Unknown Residence[]
- Alderstar/Falsestar (leader)
- Toxichorn
- Berrygrin
BayClan ⭐[]
BayClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Grizzlystar (leader)
- Robindash (deputy)
- Mallowstorm
- Swallowhiss
- Windrush
- Streamrunner
- Dustfur
- Huntscurry
- Bleakpace
StarClan Members[]
- Shinegem
Former Members[]
- Kodiakstar
ReefClan ⭐[]
ReefClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
- Froststar (leader)
- Scalehiss (deputy)
- Hailtail (medicine cat)
- Dragonsoul
- Kindheart
- Bonestripe
- Lightplum
- Wildswipe
BriarClan ⭐[]
BriarClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
The Clan calls a clearing in the middle of a heather field home. There's a large Oak Forest nearby that is forbidden to enter as there's tales of the Dark Forest residing in it. Cats use dips under large bushes or gaps in-between rock formations as dens.
Many cats think his childishness and lack of control makes him an embarrassment of a leader but those who get to personally know him that he can be brave and co-ordinated when he really needs to be, he just likes being over-joyous to give his clan something to focus on so they don't worry about the dark rumors.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Songstar | Curly black tom with brown eyes | Sleekleaf | Unnamed Cat | Unknown | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Songstar (leader)
- Sleekleaf (deputy)
- Thornflight
- Rockwing
- Fluttertail
- Sharpfang
The Cats of RootCore[]
The Cats of RootCore are a widespread group settled in different camps across the Oak Forest that borders BriarClan's territory and they're the supposed Dark Forest cats that reside in said forest.
Unlike the Clans they don't follow a proper succession hierarchy and instead rely on the main family (Frost Star's family, also known as "The Royals") having heirs to continue to lead the group. The heir to leadership is trained as a healer and second-in-command. They also have a role known as the GateKeeper that can taken over by a member of The Royals, their job is to keep the nearby Dark Forest cats at bay.
They live in a large open Oak Forest. The main family live in underground tunnels beneath a large tree they've dubbed The Royal Tree.
Frost Star[]
Frost Star became the leader of the RootCore when her older sister, Neat Sight, chose to become a GateKeeper instead. She became mates with Lean Strike and the two had their son, Strike Light.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Queen Frost Star | White she-cat with a ginger stripe going from her nose to her tail and brown eyes | N/A | N/A | Unknown | Clear Path |
Queen Clear Star | Blonde she-cat with an abnormal ginger marking on her face and blue eyes | N/A | N/A | Frost Star | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Clear Star (leader)
- Dagger Feather
- Hog Face
Light World Members[]
- Neat Sight
- Mysticstar
- Snow Shine
Dark World Members[]
- Candle Flicker
Former Members[]
- Frost Star
- Lean Strike
- Firebird "Strike Light/White Light"
AngelClan ⭐[]
AngelClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings. Unlike the other Clans it's not an official Clan and instead is run by kittypets, rogues, and loners, that want to live like the Clans.
Most of their territory resides in the city most of them live in with their twolegs. The main part of their Clan is a small clearing in a forest just outside of the city.
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Kopistar/Andrew (leader)
- Squirrelheart/Mack
- Rosevoice
- Dashingwind
- Nightpelt
- Shinelight/Dax
- Titanium
- Vanadium
- Sparrowtrot/Spencer
Dark Forest Clan led by former kittypet, Flurrystar.
Dark Forest Clan led by former kittypet, Moltenstar.
- Moltenstar (faction leader)
- Geyserstar
- Salamandercrackle
- Lindwormshine
- Oxhorn
- Dragonwhisker
- Komodoclaw
OceanClan ⭐[]
OceanClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
- Dolphinstar (leader)
- Tigerblaze
- Cheetahlily
- Jaguarslip
- Wolfbelly
- Snortsteam
- Trotheart
- Stripepaw
- Jumppaw
- Blacklion
- Chameleonwhip
- Batsight
- Sharkwhisker
- Trunktusk
The Corinth Place Cats ⭐[]
The Corinth Place Cats are one of the main 24 groups in Meower Rangers and one of the 3 that don't attend gatherings. A summoned Dark Forest spirit took to destroying Clan that the Corinth Places cats once called home, causing them to flee their home to new ground.
They managed to kidnap some of their cats and multiple other cats and possessed them, leaving lingering Dark Forest energy in them to allow them to be fully possessed when they need them.
A large and vast desert that only certain cats are allowed in, the main group stays safe within canyon (similar to Horseshoe Bend in Arizona).
The only leader the Corinth Place has seen after the Dark Forest targeted their Clan site he forced his Clan to flee their home and changed their Clan's name in the hopes that the Dark Forest wouldn't come back after them.
The two cats he was harshest on were his sons Eagleheart and Eaglepaw. He was most harsh on Eaglepaw after he renamed himself to Condorheart after Eagleheart's death, thinking he'd sharpen him before eventually realising he was driving him away when he most needed him.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Eaglestar | Brown tom with brown eyes | Hickoryfoot | Medic K | Unknown (original Clan), N/A (current group) | N/A |
Known Cats
Active Members[]
- Eaglestar (leader)
- Hickoryfoot (deputy)
- Medic K (medicine cat)
- Vineclaw
- Freshstar (fake leader)
- Bouncetail
- Condorheart
- Lionpatch
- Sharkcharm
- Falcon
- Tiger
- Pridesmudge
- Shinefur
- Blazestripe
StarClan Members[]
- Cherryheart
- Eagleheart
Former Members[]
- Sunnybear
- Wolfstare
- Houndfoot
A spirit Clan led by an artificial spirit.
- Terrorstar (faction leader)
- Heavyfeet (faction deputy)
- Crunchtail
- Killbite (faction deputy)
ViewClan ⭐[]
ViewClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
ForestClan ⭐[]
ForestClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
A Clan made up of different birds that have decided the Clans should clear off so they can have the territory for their mix-matched flock.
AmberClan ⭐[]
AmberClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 3 that don't attend gatherings.
The Clan makes their home at a large, abandoned, digsite and cherish the ancient fossils within it.
Inheriting the clan after his father's untimely death, he never really cared to lead the Clan.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Corrianderstar | Proudnose | Unnamed cat, Burrowpaw | Unknown | N/A | |
Unnamed tom | Proudnose | Unnamed cat, Burrowpaw | Unknown | N/A | |
Proudstar | N/A | Burrowgem | Unknown | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Proudstar (leader)
- Burrowgem (medicine cat)
- Whirlfur
- Bouncegleam
- Creamglare
- Flipdart
- Peartuft
- Kodkodfur
- Lionfang
- Splitheart/Jackal
StarClan Members[]
- Kodkod
- Tiger
- Lionclaw
- Corianderstar
A Clan of misfit rogues, loners, and kittypets that reside in an abandoned scrap yard just outside AmberClan's territory. To mimic AmberClan they all take on Clan names, though they don't care for the proper structure.
- Sledgeclaw (leader)
- Poisonheart
- Patchface
- Lionsnarl (deputy)
- Wrenchwing (med cat)
- Icesnap
- Scrapebite
- Rattleslam
- Bindwing
- Sugarteeth
- Stinggrowl
- Twoscale
- Maizestripes
- Bonesnatch
- Smokecloud
- Digglow
- Batface
- Shearfear
- Gemstone
- Wishstar
- Greenlizard
- Cloaksnarl
- Icestone
- Stingrage
- Nightmare
- Huntspot
- Blackdrip
- Stormface
- Bindglow
- Halfface
- Hookfur
- Cruelheart
- Scrapclaw
- Crabsun
- Shinecrab
- Heavystone
- Firerock
SummerClan ⭐[]
SummerClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
The main clan is within the clearing of a forest but their territory expands to the surrounding hills, beach and rocky out-crop.
Hastestar and Iguanastar[]
Hastestar was struggling with her duties as leader and knew her deputy shouldn't be forced to be leader before her time so she went to newly accepted kitty-pet, Iguana, and offered him to become a leader and she'd seen how organised he was for battles and knew he would be able to take that role while she did what she wanted which was raise and teach the clans future generations. StarClan made her sacrifice three of her lives to give to Iguanastar.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Giantstar | Large brown tabby tom with amber eyes | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Hastestar | Finchwing | Bluebellfur | Unknown | N/A | |
Iguanastar | Finchwing | Bluebellfur | Unknown | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Hastestar (leader)
- Iguanastar (leader)
- Finchwing (deputy)
- Smokeroar
- Bluebellfur
- Loondapple
- Slowfight
- Sleetstorm
- Dustcloud
- Westsong
- Roamfire
- Newtlight
- Speedflight
- Hailstorm
- Sheepheart
- Championheart
- Sandysage
- Leappaw
- Marigoldkit
StarClan Members[]
- Wanderflower
- Gecko
Dark Forest Members (SteelClan)[]
- Giantstar (faction leader)
- Foxstar (faction leader)
- Sharphorn (faction deputy)
- Cosmocheer (faction medicine cat)
- Flowerscent (faction deputy)
- Tinyheart
- Flameheart
- Lavaclaw
- Corvidclaw
- Riverat
- Spinflame
- Turtlepace
- Tangleweb
- Tunenose
- Slipvoice
- Stonedoze
- Weaseltrap
- Sweetwater
- Runningspike
- Pansyvoice
- Chimebelly
- Blastfoot
- Forcefear
- Tickchest
- Scentsneeze
- Darkvoice
- Red-Eye
- Darkwave
- Lizardteeth
- Wolfgrowl
- Speedwing
- Rhinostomp
- Venombee
- Fangwolf
- Boomfur
- Clickface
- Centipedestrike
- Mauledpelt
- Bullfang
- Bugswipe
- Loudvoice
- Slashclaw
- Fangface
- Sweetbat
- Sharpvoice
- Shellsnap
A far-away Clan that believes in power. They live in a Monarchy that looks up to their leaders. The Clan is mostly Maine Coons.
- Valleystar
- Lovestar
- Skyfire
- Drillclaw (killed and faded)
CoralClan ⭐[]
CoralClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
PineClan ⭐[]
PineClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Fairstar | Cream she-cat with blue eyes and a red bandana around her neck | Gravelglare | Unnamed cat, Brightblossom | Unknown | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Fairstar (leader)
- Gravelglare (deputy)
- Brightblossom (medicine cat)
- Rosewater
- Lilytail
- Lakefur
- Hopespirit
- Stormheart
- Spikesong
- Sparkclaw
- Aichi
- Fernflare
- Stagsight
- Applesun
- Antcloud
- Hibiscusfoot
- Bunnytail
- Bleakfur
- Maskpaw
- Eddie
- Cottonpelt
Small, now reformed, Clan led by Tanith before being taken over by Saturn. They reside in former Animal Testing building "Area 62."
- Saturn (leader)
- Tanith (leader)
- Poppykit
- Mushroom
- Slycharm (deputy)
- Seagrowl (deputy)
- Null-Eye (deputy)
- Snag-Eye (deputy)
- Boomstrike (deputy) (killed and faded)
- Bolthorn
- Snakestrike
- Dragon
- Brinesplash
- Stonetooth
- Darksnake
- Wolfgang
- Cockerelcrow
- Sandstone
- Fogshell
- Tidebite
- Crawlbelly
- Boulder
- Rock
- Pebble
- Bonefur
- Flypelt
- Biteyowl
- Sightclaw
- Junk-Heap
- Squashlight
- Trackslash
- Wyvern
- Ghost
- Quickspine
- Sugarhit
- Clawfare
- Crashflood
ZinniaClan (disbanded)[]
Small and short-lived Clan led by Zinniastar. It consisted of lost Dark Forest spirits he'd banded together before they were all faded.
- Crowcall
- Spikethorn
- Snipclaw
SquidClan (disbanded)[]
Far-away Clan brought to PineClan by Zinniastar to help him take down the Meower Rangers and take over their Clans. After Squidstar's death they quickly fled, never to be seen by another Clan cat.
- Squidstar (leader)
- Streamview
- Inkheart
- Cactusdrip
- Scallopjaw
- Owlface
- Jadespots
- Snoutsneeze
- Scorpianface
- Roundfur
- Longwhisker
- Jumptail
- Silverstripe
- Spikefoot
- Whitehorn
- Rockface
- Downmask
- Twistsnarl
- Clamtooth
- Biggrin
- Glowfang
- Clawfeather
- Skunktear
BrightClan ⭐[]
BrightClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings. They believe in rehabilitation instead of exile, those who go against the Warrior Code or cause a disturbance are instead housed in the basement of an abandoned warehouse that most of the Clan resides in on upper levels.
Dogstar created his Clan to house creatures of any background that had nowhere to call home. The other Clans believe that having a dog as a leader is an unfair advantage for BrightClan, in the few battles the Clans have between each other, but Dogstar knows this so he rarely joins battles choosing to command and train his warriors in preparation instead.
An incredibly strict tom, not many cats personally like Skystar due to his personality but all agree that he's an exceptional leader to BrightClan. The only cats he properly allows to be close to him are, his mates: Mineralfur and Soulscent, the Med Cats: Frecklefur and Flickertail, and Warrior: Firegrowl.
History of Ranks[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Dogstar | Large Sable German Shepard with brown eyes | Dawnsnap, Skyclaw | Frecklefur, Stripeface, Flickertail | N/A | Skyclaw |
Skystar | Spindly, dark blonde, tom with blue eyes and spiky chest and tail fur | Soulscent | Frecklefur, Stripeface, Flickertail | Dogstar | N/A |
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Skystar (leader)
- Soulscent (deputy)
- Frecklefur (medicine cat)
- Stripeface (medicine cat)
- Flickertail (medicine cat)
- Mineralfur
- Firegrowl
- Piggy
- Rowanleap
- Curlystorm
- Gingerpaw
- Moonpaw
StarClan Members[]
- Lightclaw
Former Members[]
- Dawnsnap
- Petaltail
- Cliffwhisker
- Brightnose
- Walrustusk
- Ghostpelt
A Clan run by Dogstar's greatest enemy, Grimstar.
- Grimstar (leader)
- Broodwing
- Merrypaw/claw
- Dawnsnap
- Petaltail
- Cliffwhisker
- Brightnose
- Walrustusk
- Ringspot
- Rhinoslime
- Brighteyes
- Woozywater
- Cheesestar
- Fishbark
- Crabface
- Spiketufts
- Buzzglow
- Bugleg
- Shortleg
- Earthcrack
- Blankslate
- One Eye
- Silverface
- Spoteye
- Greenfur
- Vinetuft
- Cricketlegs
- Jackalswing
- Darkwing
- Warmpelt
- Birdfall
- Tentaclewhip
- Parsnip
- Scaleface
- Green-Eye
- Mirrorchest
- Skunkslip
- Thrashtooth
- Scorpianfang
- Tiger
TangleClan, RootClan, TreeClan ⭐[]
TangleClan, RootClan, and TreeClan are 3 of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and 3 of the 21 that attend gatherings. The three Clans have sections of territory that overlap meaning each Clan can intermingle, the leaders have always been friendly so see no reason to change the territories.
InsectClan ⭐[]
InsectClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
The Clan resides within a clearing in a forest. Just outside their territory is a large building that looks ready to collapse at any time. Cats have spread rumors that spirits reside in the building and haunt it.
Known Cats[]
Active Members[]
- Lightstar (leader)
- Antfoot
- Berrywhisker
- Darkclaw
- Heatherfur
- Blasthorn
- Wirepaw
- Duckpaw
- Huntpaw
- Stingpaw
- Strikepaw
- Ruespark
WoodClan ⭐[]
WoodClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
SoilClan ⭐[]
SoilClan is one of the main 24 Clans in Meower Rangers and one of the 21 that attend gatherings.
SoilClan is littered with rocky outcroppings that the cats make their dens within. Also littered around the territory are pools of water known as "Mirror Pools", which allow certain cats to traverse through different worlds. On the outskirts of the territory lives a large and violent rogue group that reside in a large abandoned building.
Main SoilClan[]
The previous fill-in leader and now the main leader of SoilClan. Barkstar took leadership from the deputy, Stoatheart, when the tom was hesitant to become leader until he knew if Foxstar was dead or had left the Clan. Many cats think it's a blessing that he took over as his harsh attitude lets him lead with power.
Mirror SoilClan[]
History of Ranks + Known Members[]
Main SoilClan[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Foxstar | Light brown, spotted tabby tom with brown | Stoatheart | Sunflower | Unknown | Stoatheart |
Stoatheart | Brown tom with amber eyes | N/A | Sunflower | Foxstar | Barkstorm |
Barkstar | Black and white tom with brown eyes | Stoatheart | Sunflower | Stoatheart | N/A |
- Barkstar (leader)
- Stoatheart (deputy)
- Sunflower (medicine cat)
- Flashfur
- Darkbug
- Patchclaw
- Sharpwhisker
- Mudleap
- Stingkick
- Ravenswipe
- Crowslip
- Redstone
- Fennecslash
- Goosesong
- Dustywind
- Triptumble
- Fishflop
- Daisyglow
- Wolfpaw
- Shinepaw
- Henfur
- Breezekit
- Foxstar
Mirror SoilClan[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Marshstar | Light greyish-brown tom with brown eyes | Fennecstrike, Cloudywing | Unknown | Unknown | N/A |
Harshstar | Light grey tom with a lighter belly and brown eyes | Darkbug | Unknown | Unknown | N/A |
- Marshstar (leader)
- Cloudywing (deputy)
- Flashpelt
- Shadebug
- Patchfang
- Sharptail
- Mudjump
- Stingthroat
- Swiperaven
- Slipcrow
- Redrock
- Fennecstrike
- Swansong
KerriaClan, TutsanClan[]
The two Clans reside on a large and vast moor, their territory being split by the "abhainn na laochra" (river of the warriors) splitting the territory in half.
A cat that wants the best for his clan though many cats challenge his words and accuse cowardice. After exiling his cousin he took over KerriaClan, being the only other alive cat old enough to take leadership. He grew fearful of his cousin's kit, Rowankit, as his Healer, Cloversight, said he had a vision about the young tom but couldn't tell what the outcome was.
He kept his own daughter, Doekit, away from Rowankit as he didn't want her getting hurt.
Born to be the next ruler of KerriaClan she was always told she was destined for greatness, but for her that greatness was coming way too slow. She murdered her parents in the hopes that she would be able to lead there and then but was found out and exiled by her cousin, Whelkstone, and flees to TutsanClan, where she lives as a warrior under Nettlestar for a few moons before killing the she-cat and becoming Leader of TutsanClan.
History of Ranks + Known Members[]
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Whelkstar | Unknown | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
- Whelkstar (leader)
- Cloversight (seer)
- Rowantuft
- Doeswirl
- Astergrin
- Martenfoot
- Goatpaw
Name(s) | Description | Deputy/ies | Medicine Cat(s) | Preceded By | Succeeded By |
Nettlestar | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Malvastar | |
Malvastar | Unknown | Unknown | Nettlestar | N/A |
StarClan or Dark Forest[]
Some cats have been deceased so long they've forgotten where they once came from or chose to forget their past.
- Redstar
- Bluestar
- Greenstar
- Blackstar
- Goldstar
- Pinkstar
- Angelstar (faded)
- Prismkit
- Chevrilglow (faded)
- Whitenight
Dark Forest[]
- Blacknight
- Half-Moonstar (exiled from SC and faded)
Outside the Clans[]
Kittypets, Loners, or Rogues the Clan cats have come across that don't affiliate with any group.
- Grey Wolf
- Trueheart
- Branscombe
- Steelstar is the older brother of Shieldstar, and the father of Zinniastar.
- Flytrapstar and Angelstar are ex-mates and the parents of Rosestar (Mysticstar). Flytrapstar is also the father of Brittlebones.
- Zinniastar and Rosestar (Mysticstar) are mates and the parents of Fracture.
- Silverheart and Goldheart are brothers and the cousins of Sandywing.
- Goldheart and Scorpiantail are mates and the parents of Goldenheart.
- Pigbite, Roosterpelt, and Turkeydirt are brothers.
- Daggerstar is the mother of Dreamstar, Toxicvoice, Ruinpelt, and an unnamed she-cat, as well as the grandmother of Elkgrin.
- Eclipseheart is the adopted father of Koala.
- Koala is the younger sister of Ant.
- Bouldertail is the great(x3) grandfather of Stonesnarl.
- Pebbleberry is the great(x2) grandfather of Sweetberry.
- Stonesnarl and Sweetberry are mates and the parents of Boulderberry, Roseytail, Ripplespot, Pebblefruit, Robineyes, Rabbittooth, and Ribbitfang.
- Bonelavish and Sharkrift are mates and the parents of Spikefur.
- Whitefur is the great(x4) grandfather of Dragonsoul and Trueheart.
- Gingerfur is the adoptive mother of Dragonsoul.
- Dragonsoul and Kindheart are mates and the parents of Lightplum and Wildtuft.
- Lightplum and Spikefur are mates and the parents of Tigernose, Finpaw, and Bloomkit.
- Leapflower is the great(x3) grandmother of Pouncefoot.
- Brightbeam and Pouncefoot are ex-mates and the parents of Leapfoot and Pinkflower.
- Brightbeam and Frogpelt are mates and the parents of Jackdawpelt.
- Leapfoot and Wildtuft are mates and the parents of Heatherheart.
- Stagstar is the father of Dottedpaw.
- Colecloud is the older brother of Gingerspring.
- Darkfall is the older brother of Duskglow.
- Duskglow, Dawnshine and Bayfang are mates.
- Screechstar is the mother of Olympicstar.
- Wavestar and Sweetcloud were mates and the parents of Rain and Deerleaf.
- Deerleaf and Smokeheart are mates.
- Ridgejump is the grandmother of Cragjump.
- Opensky is the older brother of Fairweather.
- Fairweather and Stormflight are mates.
- Snakefur is the father of Hollykit.
- Silvermask and Eaglescratch are mates.
- Bronzestar is the father of Goldlight.
- Goldlight is the ancestor of Sourbite.
- Sweetpelt, Boltdirt, Bearfang, and Gemnose are the respective ancestors of Sweetstorm, Boltdust, Bearclaw, and Gemface.
- Sweetfur and Sourbite are mates.
- Shalestar and Moonwolf are mates.
- Lionspot and Seedcurl are mates and the parents of Lionwish.
- Bisonflower and Honeytail are mates.
- Grizzlystar and Kodiakstar are brothers.
- Grizzlystar and Shinegem were mates and the parents of Swallowhiss.
- Huntscurry and Bleakpace are adopted brothers.
- Bleakpace and Streamrunner are mates.
- Huntscurry and Swallowhiss are mates.
- Rockwing and Fluttertail are sisters.
- Neat Path is the older sister of Frost Star, and the mother of Clear Star.
- Frost Star and Lean Strike are mates and the parents of Firebird.
- Kopistar is the father of Squirrelheart.
- Dashingwind and Nightpelt are mates.
- Titanium and Vanadium are mates.
- Flurrystar and Moltenstar are brothers.
- Eaglestar is the father of Eagleheart and Condorheart.
- Medic K and Sharkcharm are mates.
- Pridesmudge is the father of Lionpatch
- Tiger and Falcon are littermates.
- Tiger and Lionpatch are mates.
- Falcon and Condorheart are mates.
- Shinefur and Blazestripe are mates and the parents of Sunnybear.
- Sunnybear and Wolfstare are mates.
- Wolfstare is the older brother of Houndfoot.
- Kodkod is the older brother of Tiger, and the ancestor of Kodkodfur.
- Corianderstar is the ancestor of Proudstar.
- Lionclaw is the ancestor of Lionfang.
- Whirlfur is the father of Creamglare.
- Bouncegleam and Creamglare are mates.
- Lightclaw is the father of Skystar.
- Skystar, Soulscent, and Mineralfur are mates.
Notes and tidbits about the world/characters.
- Due to the amount of Ghosts that are shown within PR all the Clans believe in StarClan. They don't particularly care if a cat that joins the Clan isn't super into their religion or doesn't care about it, so long as they're loyal to the Clan is what matters.
- Each Clan is within their own area and all (apart from TerraClan, the Corinth Place cats, AmberClan, TutsanClan, and KerriaClan) meet up everyone meet up every moon for a gathering and share stories of their Meower Rangers, Bird Warriors, Bug Warriors, StarClan Troopers and Beetle Warriors, that save their Clan. Some cats don't believe that the rumors are true and believe GroveClan started the rumors to seem cooler and the other Clans joined in to get in on the action.
- Each Clan is large enough that some Leaders can't track every cat that's born in the Clan, they'll know of new arrivals if they're told. Apprentices and Warriors go to their sacred StarClan spot to gain their Mentors and Warrior names. Only characters that have been mentioned in the show/comics will be catified.
Overall trivia for all parts.
Interesting Facts[]
- GroveClan is based on Angel Grove, the main city, featured in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Zeo, Turbo and In Space.
- StoneClan is based on Stone Canyon, mentioned in Mighty Morphin.
- TerraClan is based on the Terra Venture from Lost Galaxy.
- MarineClan is based on Mariner Bay, the main city, from Lightspeed Rescue.
- HillClan is based on Silver Hills, the main city, from Time Force.
- TurtleClan is based on Turtle Cove, the main city, from Wild Force.
- AngelClan is based on San Angeles and the Hartford Mansion, the main city and Ranger Base, from Operation Overdrive.
- BriarClan is based on Briarwood, the main city, from Mystic Force.
- The Corinth Place is based on Corinth, the main city, from RPM.
- AmberClan is based on Amber Beach, the main city, from (Super) Dino Charge.
- SummerClan is based on Summer Cove, the main city, from (Super) Ninja Steel.
- CoralClan is based on Coral Harbor, the main city, from Beast Morphers.
- PineClan is based on Pine Ridge, the main city, from Dino/Cosmic Fury.
- BrightClan is based on Newtech City, the main city, from SPD.
Author Statements[]
- Nettlestrike was PinkShinx's choice of GroveClan deputy before he gave the title to Brackenstripe.
- Lightfoot and Wildtuft aren't listed to be in any Clan as it's unknown where they went after their departure from GroveClan. Their daughter, Heatherheart, also isn't listed.
- Despite being named as a leader, Shalestar never got the chance to gain her nine lives and is noted for having the shortest rule as leader in TurtleClan.
- Zinniastar was called Zinniaspot twice as a warrior instead of Zinniaspots.
- Zinniastar was said to have preceded his father as Leader.
Character Gallery[]
All completed character art.
Territory Reference Gallery[]
Images that PinkShinx used as reference for the Clans' territories.