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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Harestep was born into AppleClan. He was born as a she-cat and transitioned sometime in his early life. He is the younger brother of Heatherleaf.

He doesn't do anything of significance besides mentoring an apprentice.

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

Harestep becomes mates with Dawnwing.

Eventually, they have their kits Soilkit and Antkit. Both Harestep and Dawnwing would stay in the nursery.

When their kits are five moons old, a drought happens that spirals into a deadly famine.

A couple moons later, Harestep died fighting Blizzardwind over a mouse. What a loser.

To be elaborated maybe.


Sister: Heatherleaf

Mate: DawnwingfaceDawnwing

Son: SoilstrikefaceSoilstrike

Daughter: Antberry

Nephews: Sandyheart, Tanhorse, Halfhawk

Grandson: Elkkit

Grandnephews: Barktuft, Spicekit

Grandnieces: Deershine, Scorpiontail, Brindlepaw, Pebblekit

