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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Guppystrike was born into AppleClan to Frondtail and Lichenfall. She was named after her deceased uncle Salmonpaw.


As an apprentice, she was very close to Moonpaw. The two earned their warrior names, Moonmist and Guppystrike, together.

After a couple moons, the two become mates. All was perfect for a few moons. But, Moonmist was growing distant and spent time with other people instead. Guppystrike confronted her on this, so Moonmist said she wanted to see other people.

Then Guppystrike was all like "Well... I don't think you should see at all!"

"We'll SEE about that!" Moonmist said.

Then they fought each other and Moonmist scratched out Guppystrike's eye.

Later in the medicine den, Moonmist says she's seeing Summershade already. She was literally cheating omg. "That's crazy," Firegaze says.

Guppystrike turns her head and sees this weirdo staring at them. And she's like, "why have I never seen you before? Are you new?"

Firegaze is like, "I've been here the whole time you were here. I'd rather be alone though, I don't hang around the clan often." What a loser omg

Then Guppystrike asks about the scratch on Firegaze's chest and they got to know each other a bit.


Then Guppystrike mentors Clovepath.

At some point, Guppystrike becomes mates with Firegaze. Later, they have two daughters named Petalkit and Rainkit.

Guppystrike and Firegaze kill Summershade, but idk when. It's probably before their kids are born.

To be continued, I got attached to her lol


Grandmother: Azaleadawn

Father: Lichenfall

Mother: Frondtail

Former Mate: Moonmist

Mate: FiregazefaceFiregaze

Daughters: PetalbreezefacePetalbreeze, RainblossomfaceRainblossom

Grandsons: BrownstripeheadshotBrownstripe, JuncocryheadshotJuncocry

Uncle: Salmonpaw


Fan Art[]


  • Her name used to be Dustystrike, but then I made her orange, so that name didn't fit anymore
  • Her voiceclaim is MC Pee Pants from Aqua Teen Hunger Force