Greystar is a grey, cream splotched tom with amber eyes.
Greystar was the leader and founder of GreyClan and a leader of ThunderClan. He was an apprentice named Greypaw, befriending kittypet Heaven. He later harbored feelings for Heavenpaw and became Greyfur, becoming mates with Heavenpelt. After Tornstar’s death, he becomes leader. However, Greystar manipulates his mate, causing her to become traumatized and run away to RiverClan. He later founded GreyClan, becoming mates with Snakefoot, who later became pregnant with his kits. However, Heavenstar killed him, ripping all his nine lives away. Snakefoot left him to die. Greystar killed Acornpaw, and later faded away forever from Kestrelclaw’s claws. Unbeknownst to him, Snakefoot gave birth to his three kits, Ice, Fang, and Scratch.
Coming Soon
Greyfur’s Warrior Ceremony | ||||||