Goldenleaf was born to Vireopath and Tallbirch alongside his siblings Fawnpetal and Vulturestone. Tallbirch died three days after his birth. Flowerfoot helped Vireopath raise her kits.
A couple weeks later, Vireopath and Flowerfoot were mates, so Goldenkit had two moms. Not for long though because then Vireopath abandons all her children lol.
To be continued.
Pre-Rotting Flower[]
Goldenleaf leads a normal and fulfilling life.
A few moons later, his sister Fawnpetal left the clan after her daughters died. Goldenleaf loved spending time with his nieces and was heartbroken at their loss.
Seasons later, a drought happens that spirals into a terrible famine. Goldenleaf and Sunsetclaw decide to have kits to repopulate the clan. Two moons later, Rootkit, Foxglovekit, and Ripplekit are born. However, Foxglovekit was weak from malnutrition and died a few days after birth.
A couple moons later, Ripplekit goes missing. Sunsetclaw and Goldenleaf are devastated.
When Rootkit is four moons old, Goldenleaf is killed in a battle.
Rotting Flower[]
Goldenleaf will be mentioned as one of Flowerstar's children at some point.
Grandfather: Reedwing
Grandmother: Gingerplume
Father: Tallbirch
Mother: Vireopath
Adopted Mother: Flowerstar
Sister: Fawnpetal
Brother: Vulturestone
Mate: Sunsetclaw Sons: Rootpaw, Ripplekit
Daughter: Foxglovekit
Aunt: Autumnpelt