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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Goldenleaf was born to Vireopath and Tallbirch alongside his siblings Fawnpetal and Vulturestone. Tallbirch died three days after his birth. Flowerfoot helped Vireopath raise her kits.

A couple weeks later, Vireopath and Flowerfoot were mates, so Goldenkit had two moms. Not for long though because then Vireopath abandons all her children lol.

To be continued.

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

Goldenleaf leads a normal and fulfilling life.

A few moons later, his sister Fawnpetal left the clan after her daughters died. Goldenleaf loved spending time with his nieces and was heartbroken at their loss.

Seasons later, a drought happens that spirals into a terrible famine. Goldenleaf and Sunsetclaw decide to have kits to repopulate the clan. Two moons later, Rootkit, Foxglovekit, and Ripplekit are born. However, Foxglovekit was weak from malnutrition and died a few days after birth.

A couple moons later, Ripplekit goes missing. Sunsetclaw and Goldenleaf are devastated.

When Rootkit is four moons old, Goldenleaf is killed in a battle.

Rotting Flower[]

Goldenleaf will be mentioned as one of Flowerstar's children at some point.


Grandfather: Reedwing

Grandmother: Gingerplume

Father: Tallbirch

Mother: Vireopath

Adopted Mother: Flowerstar

Sister: Fawnpetal

Brother: Vulturestone

Mate: Sunsetclaw Sons: Rootpaw, Ripplekit

Daughter: Foxglovekit

Aunt: Autumnpelt

Nieces: Mousepaw, Ravenpaw, Lakewisp
