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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Flowerspider was born in BoulderClan as Tendonkit to Sinewleg and Ghostheart alongside Jinglekit. Everyone thought Tendonkit was a freak because of her disgusting human teeth.

Tendonkit hated her name. She wanted to be called Flowerkit, but no-one called her that. Sad. She was apprenticed to the medicine cat Sweetsun as Tendonpaw. Sweetsun hated her, but so did Tendonpaw.

Not long after, she gave someone foxglove seeds instead of poppy seeds to see if they would die. The leader had been looking for an excuse to exile Tendonpaw because she's bonkers. Tendonpaw is exiled from BoulderClan.

She changed her name to Flowerpaw, the name she had always wanted but never gotten.

She wandered outta some bushes and met Peonypaw. They got to chatting and Flowerpaw joined TreeClan as their newest medicine cat apprentice. Flowerpaw was on cloud nine. Everyone called her Flowerpaw, it was warm and she had a best friend.

She and Peonypaw get their full names. They befriend a tom named Fadingpaw. She and Peonypelt cheer the loudest at his ceremony. Vultureclaw dies.

Peonypelt and Flowerspider start doing crazy expirements on 3 randos with some herbs they found in the Twolegplace. They kill a couple people. Flowerspider goes even more nuts. Peonypelt gets Crystalpaw as an apprentice.

Crystalwater becomes a full medicine cat. Shortly after, Peonypelt is eaten alive by hawks. Flowerspider falls into a deep depression. Fadingtrail helped her out of it and they became mates. They love each other now :D. Fadingtrail looks like Peonypelt, as they were cousins.

Crystalwater comes after Flowerspider and Crystalwater gets her eye scratched. Flowerspider manipulates Bearstar (TrC) into renaming Crystalwater to Blindedeye because she's fun like that. Bearstar agrees.

Flowerspider and Fadingtrail have two kits, a tom and a she-kit. The tom is named Peonykit, after Peonypelt and the she-kit is named Bloomkit. Her kits become apprentices. A young kittypet she-cat named Purpur joins the Clan as her apprentice. Her kits become apprentices and her mate becomes deputy. Life is good, as good as it can be without Peonypelt.

Fadingtrail kills the leader. He and Flowerspider go to the MoonBoulder so he can get his nine lives. StarClan begrudgingly forks over the lives while trying to guilt-trip Flowerspider. She's just chilling, admiring her smile in a pond. She just smiles at the StarClan cats. Even StarClan hates her smile. Not Fadingstar, he loves it.

They head back to TreeClan. Fadingstar picks Missingeye as his deputy. Missingeye asks to be re-named to Snowferret. Fadingstar says yes. Bloompelt and Peonygrouse are made warriors.

Bloompelt became mates with Snowferret. They have three kits. One kit appeared dead but it came back to life. Snowferret names the kit Stillkit. Jingleclaw, now a fully grown warrior with a mate and kits, leaves BoulderClan to find his sister to apologize to her. After a moon of wandering, he finds Flowerspider in the Twolegplace gathering more deadly herbs. She sees him and

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