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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki

FireClan is one of the four clans in Rotting Flower. The other three are AppleClan, SunClan, and SwampClan.


FireClan was founded about fifty years after SwampClan, AppleClan, and SunClan.

Dawnstar, the first leader of FireClan, was a SunClan exile with a prophecy that guaranteed her leadership. The other three clans were not too fond of this addition to their gatherings, and FireClan got into many wars with the other clans, despite being over two and a half miles away.

After Dawnstar died, FireClan kept mostly to themselves besides the gathering. None of the other clans take them seriously anymore, as they are all rogues and loners.

Detestation Allegiances[]

Of all the people who were in the clan at some point regardless of exile or death

Leader: Dawnstar

Deputies: Leafbird, Tinystripe

Medicine Cats: Berryfoot, Rosespots

Warriors: Steelsnake, Burnttail, Insectfrost, Glassmantis, Dahliatide, Twilighttail, Cedarstripe, Rainberry, Falconclaw, Goldenfur, Iriswave, Applestrike, Stonepetal, Jaspernight, Mosstuft, Ivydrift, Redbright, Sandfin, Lotuswing, Hailfang, others

Apprentices: Dustypaw, Webpaw, Goldenpaw, Swiftpaw

Queen: Finchsong

Kits: Redstartkit, Jaykit, Whiteflame for only two weeks

Rotting Flower Allegiance[]

Leader: Tinystar

Deputy: Burnttail

Medicine Cat: Pinesnow, Goldenriver

Warriors: Vixenspark, Snakeflame, Hawkshade, Redstartnose, Juniperstripe, Aquamarine, Mintystorm, Dahliatide, Rainberry, Fawncloud, Robinclaw, Sprucewing, Sagestone, Pixiesky, Sorrelwing, Jaymist, Sunsetgleam, Charcoalpatch, Twilighttail, Steelsnake, Stonepetal, Hailfang, Skyfeather, various others

Apprentices: Clearpaw, ???

Queens: ???

Elders: Berryfoot

Leaders and Deputies[]

Dawnstar- A white she-cat with red ears, a red spot on her back and two red spots on her tail. She has sharp teeth, thick fur, grey eyes, and is half the size of an average cat. Formerly named Dawnsplash. Only received three lives to prove herself to StarClan.

Deputies: Leafbird and Tinystripe

Medicine Cats: Berryfoot and Rosespots

Leafbird- A white she-cat with brown tabby patches. She is very tall, has green eyes, and has a friendly demeanor.

Tinystar- A brown tabby tom who is very small. He has soft fur, and round amber eyes. Only received three lives.

Deputies: Burnttail, Vixenspark

Medicine Cats: Berryfoot, Rosespots, Pinesnow, Goldenriver

Burnttail- An orange tom with a black gradient on his tail and a black chest and paws. His eyes are green, and he has a strong, muscular figure. He is Tinystar's brother.

Vixenspark- A tan she-cat with a white muzzle, legs, and tail tip. She has dark, tabby like markings on her face, ears and shoulders, and intense orange eyes. Her tail is extremely large and fluffy.

Medicine Cats[]

Berryfoot- A yellow she-cat with three white paws and one black paw. She has a black back with white spots, and purple-blue eyes. She is the first medicine cat of FireClan.

Rosespots- Joined FireClan a few months after Berryfoot. She is a tan cream color with various red spots around her body. Her eyes are dark green and she has a long muzzle.

Pinesnow- A reddish-brown tom with light cream paws, ear tips, and nose. He has light green eyes, and is the son of Rosespots and Burnttail.

Goldenriver- A golden she-cat with white paws, chest, muzzle, ear tips and tail tip. Her eyes are turquoise and her fur is sleek.

Featherhaze- A cream tom with white legs, muzzle, ear tips and a striped tail. His eyes are amber and he has two fangs that make him look like a vampire.
