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This is a fan page for Razmerry's The Dog Star.

StarClan must have shared their wisdom with this article, because it was previously featured on the front page.
Spoiler Warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

"I am a murderer and a traitor. I don't pretend to hide it, so I hope you'll take what I say as the honest truth."
Flamesnout at her trial in The Dog Star, pages 97-98

Flamesnout, or Houndheart, is a dark ginger tabby she-cat with bright yellow eyes.[1][4]

Flamesnout, also known as Houndheart, is a SnowClan warrior under Deerstar's leadership. She was born as Flamekit to Quailfur and Sparkbelly. As a warrior, she met a loner, Haystack, and fell in love with her. Owlstar welcomed her into SnowClan and renamed her Hayfrost, despite the Clan's hatred of her. The two eventually ended up becoming mates. One day, Flamesnout ended up snapping and killing Kestrelpad and Blackfern. Not long after, Hayfrost and Flamesnout had a falling out, and Hayfrost broke up with her, leaving SnowClan in the process. She later attacked Stoatscratch, but ended up running away during a snowstorm, dying of Hypothermia, and descending to the Place of No Stars.

After spending moons in the afterlife, she eventually had her trial, and was let her into StarClan with a warning. However, when it was time for Harestrike's reincarnation ceremony, she interrupted the ceremony and fell into the Abyss, finding herself in the living world, fully aware and alive.

She spend a few moons as loner by the name of Flame, and eventually made her way into SnowClan and got accepted as a member by Deerstar, finding that no one alive remembered her. She was trained by Maplestorm as an unofficial apprentice, and when it was time for her warrior ceremony, Applestar possessed Deerstar and forced him to rename her Houndheart, referring to the name of Houndstar, the leader of the Dark Forest.


The Dog Star[]

Flamesnout is making her way to Harestrike's reincarnation ceremony bitterly, but is interrupted by her friend, Shellspring, talking to her. They both make their way to the tree over the Abyss, and Flamesnout lays above the branch where Harestrike is sitting. Just as the ceremony begins, Flamesnout is overcome by rage and knocks them away from the pool. She quickly regrets it, though, but is clawed in the face by Harestrike. She flings them away, then jumps down from the branch and lands in the Abyss. Flamesnout finds herself in the living world, and panics as she realizes that she isn't supposed to know who she is. She crawls into a bush and sleeps. When she wakes up, she lives life as a loner, almost getting caught by a SnowClan patrol several times.
Eventually, she sleeps too close to the SnowClan camp, and a group of SnowClan cats find her, demanding to know why she's in their territory.

More Coming Soon


Interesting facts[]

  • Houndheart is a lesbian.[5]
  • Houndheart's favorite type of prey are quails.[5]
  • Although Houndheart's physical age is around 60 moons (5 years), in terms of when she was born, she is around 170 moons (14 years) old.[3]

Author statements[]

  • Razmerry has said that Houndheart is an exploration of her own problems with death.[6]



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Official art[]

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Killed victims[]

This list shows the victims Houndheart has killed:

Personality and Traits[]

Coming Soon


Quailfur and Sparkbelly[]

Flamesnout never got on well with her parents. For the most part, past the nursery, she raised herself. Quailfur was always snappy and rude, while Sparkbelly was a plain, boring father.[8][7]


Flamesnout and her mentor could never seem to see eye to eye on anything. On patrols, on borders, on hunting and fighting techniques, on friends, on enemies. Flamepaw would often snap at Dawnmist that she’d rather live in RainClan, where Newtstar, the leader of RainClan that she’d heard so many stories about lived.[2]


"...tall and gray......no, that's ridiculous. [Shellspring's] not - he would never go that far." [...] "...but I haven't seen him in days..."
—Houndheart's thoughts on Shellspring killing Deerstar The Dog Star, pages 145-146
Coming Soon


"I loved someone, from outside the Clans, and she was more wonderful than anyone I'd ever met before. And the elders hated her. Just because Hayfrost was born from Seedstar, just because she looked like her, they hated her. AND I HATED THEM."
—Flamesnout about Hayfrost The Dog Star, page 99
Coming Soon


Lichenstream: "There's something so... far away about you, Houndheart. Like you're being pulled into the distant mist. And during the battle today... Well, I'm observant enough to know there was some undertone I was missing. I promise you can trust me."
Houndheart: "Lichenstream, I - I really, really like you. I love you."
Lichenstream: "Oh! Houndheart - I love you too, you big furball. Is that what this is all about?"
Houndheart: "Eh, kinda? I... yeah, I have some stuff I should talk to you about. But first I need to tell you... I'm going to the sanctuary tonight. Alone."
—Houndheart and Lichenstream The Dog Star, page 231-232
Coming Soon


Berrybranch: "If you lay one claw on them, I will make you pay in more ways than you can imagine. Deerstar may be keeping you here out of willful ignorance, but I have no such qualms."
Houndheart: "Berrybranch, I would never-"
Berrybranch: "Save it. You may not have killed Deerstar, but I'm sure you had a paw in it somehow. Just know where you'd be lying if he said that cat was ginger, not gray."
—Berrybranch accusing Houndheart of Deerstar's death The Dog Star, page 144-145
Coming Soon


"It's a warm greenleaf night. I'm at the barn outside of SnowClan territory. Hayfrost snuck out with me, and Shellspring agreed to meet up with us. We're talking, laughing, and the night feels... infinite."
—Houndheart describing her favorite memory QnA - Houndheart Pt. 2
Houndheart: "Shellspring! What did you just do?"
Shellspring: "What did I do? You wanted cats to trust you more, so I helped you gain that trust. It worked, didn't it?"
Houndheart: "Worked?! You tried to kill Lichenstream!"
Shellspring: "No! I would never! I knew you could get it in time - it wasn't even that big of a rock anyway. Houndheart, I know you can benefit SnowClan, do good things! They all just didn't believe you until they saw it with their own eyes. I was... I was just trying to help you."
Houndheart: "You were lucky I made that jump. She could've broken her back or- or even worse!"
Shellspring: "It turned out okay! She likes you! She's fine! Can't you just focus on that already?"
Houndheart: "But it could've-"
Shellspring: "Everything's fine! I know what I'm doing."
Houndheart: "I don't think you do."
—Shellspring and Houndheart's fight The Dog Star, pages 84-86


Flamesnout's second warrior ceremony
Deerstar: I call on my warrior ancestors to look down on this... em, apprentice? Rogue. Loner. This... ex-loner. She trained super hard to understand your very noble codes, and I give her to you as a warrior in her turn. Flame, do you promise to protect your Clan? And defend your Clan? Even at the cost of your life?
Flame: I do.
Deerstar: Then with the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. StarClan honors your... ingenuity? And I welcome you as a full warrior of SnowClan. Your name will be...
Applestar (as Deerstar): Houndheart.
Everyone: Houndheart, Houndheart, Houndheart...
Reference: The Dog Star, pages 32-37




File:Lichenstream (TDS).icon.png Lichenstream: Living (as of The Dog Star)

File:Hayfrost (TDS).icon.png Hayfrost (formerly): Deceased, residence unknown


File:Sparkbelly (TDS).icon.png Sparkbelly: Deceased, verified StarClan member


File:Quailfur (TDS).icon.png Quailfur: Deceased, verified StarClan member



    = Male

    = Female

    = Non-Binary

    = Gender Unknown

End of Spoiler Warning

References and Citations[]
