Warriors OC's Wiki

Fearless is the daughter of Scourge and Death ,and is more powerful than her father, and rules bloodclan. Nobody has ever challenged her. EVER. And nobody will. She is extremely strong, with a desire to follow her father's foal and take over the clans.

Fearless is a shiny black she-cat with a white tail tip, two white paws in the front, shiny red eyes, a shiny red collar with many shiny teeth and claws studded on them, each with a drop of shiny blood. She has a scar under her eye, and wickedly sharp and shiny claws and teeth, naturally, and not with dog teeth added on. She has a perfect tail, and big muscles.


Fearless was said to be wicked and evil, and extremely toxic and rude. She will kill anyone with no hesitation at all.


