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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Fawnpetal is a brown tabby she-cat with a white face, chest, legs, and tail tip. Her eyes are sky blue and her fur is medium length. She is slightly shorter than average and there are tufts on her ears.


Kind, soft-spoken. Willing to uproot her life when something goes wrong.


Fawnpetal was born to Vireopath and Tallbirch alongside her brothers Goldenleaf and Vulturestone. The only reason her parents had them was because they were both extremely tall. In AppleClan, the tallest people are deemed the greatest because they are the closest to StarClan. Tallbirch was the deputy of AppleClan. Unfortunately, he died three days after his kits were born.

Vireopath only had these kits for the good of the clan. She thought she was doomed to raise them by herself, but Flowerfoot decided to help her friend. As Vireopath and Flowerfoot raised Fawnkit and her siblings, they realized their feelings for each other and became mates. Fawnkit loved both of her mothers.

When Fawnpaw and her brothers were apprenticed, Vireopath started ignoring them. All of Vireopath's children were going to be average height. Fawnpaw didn't understand and cried to her mother Flowerfoot.

To be continued.

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

Fawnpetal becomes mates with Mimosaleaf from SwampClan.

Fawnpetal is two years old when she has her first litter, Ravenkit and Mousekit.

Then one day while Fawnpetal, Mousepaw, and Ravenpaw are visiting Mimosaleaf in SwampClan territory, the river floods from the heavy rain from the past few days. Fawnpetal and Mimosaleaf hang on to a floating branch and reach over to their daughters. But, the current is too strong. Mousepaw and Ravenpaw can't reach the branch and are swept away.

Fawnpetal returns from SwampClan territory and says goodbye to AppleClan. Flowerfoot says she'll miss her while Vireopath doesn't care. She leaves the day after her daughters' vigil.

Fawnpetal joins Mimosaleaf in SwampClan. She learns to swim.

A few moons later, a drought happens that spirals into a famine. Mimosaleaf and Fawnpetal survive. Eventually, the drought ends and SwampClan territory is back to normal.

Fawnpetal is almost four years old when she has her second litter, Lakekit.

Rotting Flower[]

Fawnpetal is a warrior of SwampClan and her mate is Mimosaleaf. Her daughter Lakewisp is currently expecting kits.

Fawnpetal is also the daughter of Flowerstar, AppleClan's new leader.


Adopted Grandfather: Frostymint

Adopted Grandmother: Shadetuft

Grandfather: Reedwing

Grandmother: Gingerplume

Father: Tallbirch

Mother: VireopathfaceVireopath

Adopted Mother: FlowerstarfaceFlowerstar

Brothers: Goldenleaf, Vulturestone

Mate: Mimosaleaf

Daughters: Mousepaw, Ravenpaw, Lakewisp

Granddaughters: Honeykit, Moonkit, Waterkit

Nephews: two unknown

Niece: one unknown

Aunt: Autumnpelt

Adopted Aunts: SoftcreekfaceSoftcreek, Rookpath

Adopted Uncle: Shellfur

Granduncle: Mangotail

First Cousin Once Removed: Daisyrabbit, Sweetflame, Camelliamist

Second Cousin: Salamandercurl

Adopted First Cousins: CloudypeltfaceCloudypelt, ColdstepfaceColdstep, Skypaw, Wolfkit, Birchkit, Smokekit, Bristlekit, Talonkit, EchopawfaceEchopaw, MagpiepawfaceMagpiepaw


Fan Art[]


  • Fawnpetal was created on June 10th 2022