Fawnleap is a brown deer-looking tom with white spots, green eyes, and antlers. He is a provider[1] and has lived in the North Tribe under Everstar and Saviorstar.
Fawn was born to Ricefur and Tigerstride alongside his sisters Dog and Otter. He became friends with an elder named Peachheart, and he learned from an early age of how much discrimination there is in the Tribes regarding the cats' magic classes. Peachheart told Fawn stories of how she would be pushed around by others because she was under magic class Apparere, which was considered the most useless class. He was apprenticed to Willowrose, who was relatively kind to him. Fawn began to get bullied by his clanmate Embertrail, who made fun of Fawn because of their class difference, with Embertrail being in the Etheral class. Peachheart eventually died which upset Fawn very much, but he became more upset when nobody seemed to mourn her death. He eventually got his warrior name; Fawnleap.
Fawnleap is under the magic class Buff, and his power allows him to jump very high, up to about 80 feet or 24 meters. He is able to control the power behind his jumps and can change the height of them so he isn't soaring above the trees all the time. XD
- Fawnleap's design is inspired by fallow deers!
- His family caries a rare genetic mutation that allows them to be born with characteristics of other mammals. Fawnleap, for example, has the characteristics of not only a cat, but a deer.
- ↑ Role in the Tribes where said provider hunts and collects prey for the Tribe.