Warriors OC's Wiki

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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


  • Elderdance was born outside of the Clan, but was brought to the Clan as a kit and has lived here ever since. They joined the Clan at the age of 2 Moons.
  • A loner leaves their litter to the Clan. Heartspeckle decides to adopt them as their own.


  • Primrosestar gathers the Clan for meeting. They have spent many moons training Elderpaw, and it's time for them to be granted their warrior name. Primrosestar gives them the name Elderdance and honors their self-respect.
  • They were mentored by Primrosestar. Primrosestar influenced them to be more likely to put others at ease, be ready for a fight and make their own rules. When they graduated, they were honored for their self-respect. They graduated late at 16 moons old.


  • Elderdance influenced Skystripe to be more likely to be friendly towards others and use words over teeth and claws.
  • Elderdance influenced Logshade to be more likely to have strong inner morals.


  • Elderpaw feels sick to their stomach. The last time they saw Snakepaw, they quarreled with them, and now all Elderpaw can do is beg for forgivness and hope Snakepaw is watching from StarClan. Elderpaw can't help their bitterness and rage as Snakepaw's life is recalled at the vigil. They coldly turn away any who offer comfort. Without Snakepaw, what's the point? (at age 9 moons)
  • Elderpaw feels sick to their stomach. The last time they saw Bouncepaw, they quarreled with them, and now all Elderpaw can do is beg for forgiveness and hope Bouncepaw is watching from StarClan. As the vigil draws to a close, someone suggests Elderpaw should eat. They refuse, not so much as shifting their vacant gaze. (at age 9 moons)
  • After being rejected by Mooseash, Elderpaw's barely been visible round camp. They're good at hiding when they want to be. (at age 15 moons)
  • Mooseash and Elderdance announce they've become mates in the least showy way possible, by combining their nests into one. (at age 25 moons)
  • Mooseash and Elderdance had a huge fight and broke up. (at age 27 moons)



eyes: emerald

pelt: rosette

pelt color: black

skin: light marbled

fur length: long


unruly as kit

troublesome as beginner apprentice

loving as apprentice


interested in the Dark Forest as apprentice

Dark Forest affinity before

deep Dark Forest bond

experience: competent (159)

backstory: abandoned


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