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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Echopaw is a silver she-cat with a white chest, legs, tail tip, and ear tips. She has two diamond markings on each of her cheeks. Her eyes are dark green. Echopaw has folded ears and a very long muzzle.

Despite her long nose and folded ears, she is not a dog lol


To be written.

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

Echopaw was born to Softcreek and Lucky alongside Talonkit and Magpiepaw. Her father was just a random loner Softcreek met, so she never got to know him. Echokit is anxious, and very pessimistic. She feels like the only thing she can control is her anger, so she is incredibly rude sometimes.

When she is three moons old, her brother Talonkit dies. Echokit is very sad about this and becomes more anxious about the famine and the coming winter.

Rotting Flower[]

At the beginning of the comic, Echokit is being cared for by Softcreek in the nursery. Echokit is happy that her aunt, Flowerstar, is now the leader.

A couple weeks later, Softcreek dies and Echopaw is apprenticed to Brownstripe. Sucks to be her.


Great-Grandfather: Salmonspots

Grandmother: Shadetuft

Grandfather: Frostymint

Mother: SoftcreekfaceSoftcreek

Father: Lucky

Sister: MagpiepawfaceMagpiepaw

Brother: Talonkit

Half-Brothers: Cloudypelt, Coldstep, Wolfkit, Birchkit, Bristlekit

Half-Sisters: Skypaw, Smokekit

Aunts: FlowerstarfaceFlowerstar, Rookpath

Uncle: Shellfur

Half-Niece: Peachkit

Half-Nephew: Beamkit

Adopted First Cousins: FawnpetalfaceFawnpetal, Goldenleaf, Vulturestone


Fan Art[]
