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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

Dovelace was born to Riverdaze and an unknown she-cat alongside her two siblings. Her mother was sick during her pregnancy, so Dovekit's two siblings were stillborn. A few days later, Dovekit's mother died.

Dovepaw was mentored by Snapglory. She became a warrior named Dovelace right when the famine began.

After Blackpaw's first mentor died, Dovelace became his new mentor.

To be continued.

Rotting Flower[]

Dovelace will be seen during flashbacks of when Juncocry and Blackbear are apprentices.


Great-Grandmother: Springivy

Grandmother: Olivesnail

Grandfather: Adderthorn

Father: Riverdaze Uncles: Brightfire, Snapglory

Aunt: Sunsetclaw

Granduncles: Branchsnout, SquirrelstripefaceSquirrelstripe

Grandaunts: Branchstep, RosewindfaceRosewind

First Cousins: Sableskip, Rootpaw, Ripplekit, Foxglovekit

First Cousin Once Removed: SedgeclawheadshotSedgeclaw

Second Cousins: BrownstripeheadshotBrownstripe, JuncocryheadshotJuncocry, Bristlekit, Smokekit
