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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Dawnwing is an orange she-cat with darker orange ears, "pants", ears, chest, and a darker orange stripe under each eye. She has pale yellow eyes with bold eyelashes. She is average height and is bulky and muscular. Her fur is thick and smooth.


Dawnwing is arrogant, brash and loves to brag. She takes everything to the extreme. She's quite the schemer. It is obvious when Dawnwing cares about something, she is very vocal about her opinions.


Dawnwing was taken into AppleClan at less than a month old; she doesn't remember not living in AppleClan. She wasn't raised by anyone in particular.

To be continued.

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

Dawnwing is best friends with Wavewisp.

Later, she becomes mates with Harestep, and eventually they have their children Soilkit and Antkit. Dawnwing and Harestep would both stay in the nursery.

Then a drought spiraled into a deadly famine when her kits become apprentices. Two moons later, Harestep died fighting Blizzardwind over a mouse. Boo.

Seasons later, Dawnwing, Wavewisp, and Soilstrike plan to murder Spiderstar.

To be continued.

Rotting Flower[]

Dawnwing is mentioned in flashbacks occasionally, most notably for being the person who took Spiderstar's 8th life and also for being Soilstrike's mother.

Absolute girlboss, love her

I had to put her in hell to match with the lore I made. SO SAD, SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Harestep: Deceased mate. What did Dawnwing see in him? I don't even know.

SoilstrikefaceSoilstrike: Son. They get along amazingly.

WavewispfaceWavewisp: Best friend! They do almost everything together.

FlowerstarfaceFlowerstar: Originally, Dawnwing didn't plan to be friends with Flowerfoot. She was just using what she learned from Flowerfoot to help with her plan. However, Dawnwing actually started to like her a little. Flowerfoot appreciated Dawnwing spending time with her, even if she knew it was fake.


Fan Art[]


  • Dawning was originally created in August 2021. Originally she died from greencough and she wasn't important in the slightest.
  • In August 2023, she was completely revamped to be super cool
  • She used to be a tabby, but I decided to make her look more similar to Soilstrike to emphasize their bond