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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki
All right... now we just have to get people to join our clan. Its name is FireClan because of my BURNING HATRED of SunClan for exiling me!
— Dawnstar founding FireClan


Dawnstar is a white she-cat with red ears, a giant red patch on her back, and two red patches on her large, fluffy tail. She has grey eyes, sharp teeth, and thick fur. Her teeth are stained yellow from the blood of her victims. Dawnstar is extremely short for an adult cat and has a bulky, muscular build.

Later in her life, her back right foot is caught in a bear trap, so she only has three paws left. There are also numerous scars hidden under her thick fur. Additionally, her left ear received a nick near the end of her life and there are dark circles under her eyes.


Dawnstar is brash, unapologetic, and bloodthirsty. She is hellbent on revenge and has a strong sense of "justice." Justice being getting what she wants against people who "wronged" her. Dawnstar never cries and only feels anger. She likes being in control and wants everyone to respect her. She justifies her actions with her faith in StarClan. Dawnstar finds it easy to laugh at just about anything.

After Leafbird's death, Dawnstar isn't as cheery as before. She is very closed off and refuses to have another friendship like hers and Leafbird's. Dawnstar is a lot more irritable and threatening.


Dawnkit was born to Duskmoss and Russetpath along with her brother Brindlekit. Duskmoss saw her daughter's birth as a new dawn for SunClan, so that's why her name is Dawnkit.

Brindlekit died when he was two weeks old due to greencough though, so Dawnkit was spoiled by her parents. Duskmoss knew her daughter had a huge ego, so she didn't dare tell her that there was a prophecy that guaranteed that Dawnkit would be a great leader.

Dawnkit was best friends with her cousin Apricotpaw.


Dawnpaw was apprenticed to Badgerglow, the leader's daughter. Stonestar knew about Dawnpaw's future, so of course, he had his favorite daughter have the honor of mentoring such an important cat. Dawnpaw thought Badgerglow was overrated and despised being told what to do all the time. Dawnpaw was also an incredibly terrible hunter, even though her mentor was one of the best in the whole clan.

Dawnpaw preferred to hang out with Apricotpaw and Peachpaw, especially if they were in battle training. Apricotpaw taught Dawnpaw how to swim.

A few days after she was apprenticed, her parents had Leafkit. Dawnpaw was incredibly jealous of all the attention Leafkit got from the clan. She ignored Leafkit and never played with her.

When Leafkit was one moon old, the gathering happened and Dawnpaw was not invited. Duskmoss told her eldest daughter that she hadn't been to a gathering in so long since she became pregnant again when Dawnpaw was four moons old. Dawnpaw was in the nursery, staying with her sister when the other queen, Heathergaze, left to go on a walk. Leafkit was so happy to finally be able to talk to her sister. Dawnpaw was getting tired, and Leafkit was cold, so they snuggled together and were sleeping peacefully when Heathergaze came back. Dawnpaw ignored her sister slightly less after this happened.

The next moon, Apricotpaw , and Peachpaw become warriors named Apricotfur and Peachnose. Dawnpaw is super happy for both of them. "You'll get your name soon, Dawny!" Apricotfur says.

"Five moons is almost half my life thoughhhhhhhhhh," Dawnpaw says back.

They think about future names for Dawnpaw, like Dawnclaw or Dawnstrike. It's later nighttime and the two sisters are on vigil. Apricotfur is talking though, and Peachnose replies that this is serious. Apricotfur says that they're only doing this because a guy broke his leg from climbing a tree (read Code of the Clans). Apricotfur is like, "Oh my StarClan! I forgot how to climb a tree!" Peachnose remembers and says that she can show her how. Apricotfur is super thankful and Peachnose just laughs. Dawnpaw wishes she could have a relationship like that with her sister, but Leafkit is a baby and stupid.

One moon later Cadmiumstar, leader of SwampClan, declares war on SunClan. Stonestar is like, "Wait a minute... I should be declaring war on YOU because all of your warriors keep sneaking on our territory!"


"Fine!" Stonestar says.

Dawnpaw is excited. She finally has an opportunity to show off her incredible battle skills. The next day happens. Dawnpaw is chosen to go with Badgerglow, and Apricotfur and Peachnose are there too. Dawnpaw is doing amazing, but then she sees Apricotfur and Cadmiumstar fighting. Cadmiumstar leaps forward and bites Apricotfur's neck. Dawnpaw rushes over, tears welling up in her eyes, while Apricotfur is bleeding out. "Don't die, Apricotfur! Don't die, just don't!" Dawnpaw is uncontrollably crying at this point.

Apricotfur looks up with all of her strength, "Fight on for me, Dawnpaw, I'll always be watching over you in StarClan." Apricotfur only lives for a few more seconds and Dawnpaw is frozen. She tries to move, but all her strength is lost. She hates Cadmiumstar for killing her best friend, and her sadness boils into anger.

After the battle is over, Badgerglow goes up to Dawnpaw, who is still frozen over Apricotfur's body. "You did a good job before she died. I would also freeze up like that if my sister or Navymoon died." Dawnpaw was angry that Badgerglow twisted the situation to be about herself, Badgerglow always does that! That night Lightningwhite becomes a warrior one month early because of how well he fought in the war. Everybody is cheering and laughing around. Dawnpaw thinks that this is disrespecting Apricotfur's vigil and tells Lightningwhite to stop gloating around. Stonestar loves how Dawnpaw is bold and not afraid to hide how she feels. He tells her this and apologizes for not delaying the ceremony until after the vigil. He is being extra nice to Dawnpaw because of the prophecy.

The next day, Dawnpaw is eating her breakfast way slower than usual and Leafkit asks "What's wrong, Dawny?"

"DON'T CALL ME DAWNY! Only Apricotfur did that... YOU WILL NEVER BE HER!!!!"

Leafkit starts crying and runs off to Duskmoss. Duskmoss tells her to stop being so rude to her sister and to apologize to Lightningwhite for interrupting his ceremony, "I don't know why Stonestar let you get away with that. Well... I mean I guess I do, but you don't need to know why."

"WHAT!!!! TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME!" Dawnpaw shouts. Duskmoss excuses herself so she doesn't need to answer. Dawnpaw never apologizes to Lightningwhite.

A few weeks later, Badgerglow is complaining to the medicine cat, Navymoon. Dawnpaw overhears and realizes they're talking about her. "How is she supposed to be this great leader when she can barely hunt and is such a brat all the time?! You criticize her on ONE little thing, and she gets so mad, that it's impossible. I think StarClan chose the wrong cat to be the next leader. They should've chosen someone... a little more like me cause I'm so amazing," Badgerglow says while tidying her fur.

Navymoon replies, "Dawnpaw is an incredible fighter though, and is very decisive and bold... two fine traits for a leader."

"Why her though?" Badgerglow sighs and Dawnpaw reveals herself.

"I'M SPECIAL?!?!" Dawnpaw is bouncing around.

"Yes... sit down, you're embarrassing yourself." Navymoon says.

"Since I'm a prophecy cat... can I change my mentor?"

Badgerglow is highly offended. "How dare you!"

"How dare YOU!" Dawnpaw says back. "You obviously don't like me, and I don't like you. It would be for the best if I get a new mentor." Badgerglow says that to be a great leader you need to go through hardships in life. This convinces Dawnpaw not to switch her mentor.

Eventually, Dawnpaw becomes a warrior after barely managing to catch a mouse at her assessment. Her name is Dawnsplash because of the splashes of red on her pelt. A few days later Leafkit is made into an apprentice. Leafpaw always does whatever Dawnsplash wants because of the prophecy. Dawnsplash says she might make her deputy, but probably won't because Leafpaw is naive. Dawnsplash also hangs out a lot more often with Peachnose since Apricotfur died.

Stonestar teaches Dawnsplash how to be a better leader by giving her the most basic advice ever. He also leaves her in charge when he and Eagleray (the deputy) have to go visit other clans.

A fire breaks out a little bit after Leafbird becomes a warrior. Dawnsplash guides everyone away from the fire and shows off her bravery and leadership skills. However, her friends Ochrecall and Firerock didn't make it. Dawnsplash missed Ochrecall just a little bit.

A few days later Dawnsplash gets Twilightpaw as an apprentice. Dawnsplash is very small for an adult cat and Twilightpaw is also really small. The litter born before Twilightpaw bullies her, but Dawnsplash's humor helps Twilightpaw not think about that. Since Dawnsplash is terrible at hunting, Leafbird helps Twilightpaw with how to properly get food. Dawnsplash and Leafbird are almost inseparable these days.

A couple of moons pass and Dawnsplash sees Badgerglow putting some berries into Eagleray's food and assumes she is planning to kill Eagleray. Dawnsplash finally has an excuse to kill Badgerglow! Badgerglow goes to get a drink, and Dawnsplash kills her at the river.

She brings her former mentor's corpse into the middle of the camp and says how evil she is and how she was planning to take the deputy position for herself. Stonestar is shocked. Eagleray protests. "The berries she put in my fresh-kill were NOT deathberries! I'm just feeling a little sick at the moment, so she put them in my food because I don't like the taste of herbs." Eagleray starts to tear up "Also... she was pregnant with my kits!" Everyone gasps and Stonestar sobs.

"Dawnsplash!" Stonestar catches his breath. "You are EXILED from SunClan! I thought you were better than to do something like this. Our clanmate, your mentor, MY DAUGHTER! LOST! KILLED! I DON'T CARE IF STARCLAN IS MAD THAT I WON'T FULFILL THE PROPHECY, YOU DON'T DESERVE IT!" Dawnsplash looks around to see everyone shocked or crying. Her mother is shuddering, and a puddle of tears forms at her feet.

Leafbird walks over to Dawnsplash. "If you're going to exile her, then I'm leaving too!" Dawnsplash flinches. She's never heard Leafbird yell before.

"Then leave," Stonestar says, the words barely a mumble.

Twilightpaw knows that the other apprentices will bully her tenfold now that her former mentor is a murderer. She runs away in the middle of the night and uses her amazing sense of smell to track down Dawnsplash and Leafbird. Twilightpaw says that Dawnsplash is like a mother to her and that she wasn't happy in SunClan. Dawnsplash lets Twilightpaw stay with her and Leafbird.

Steelsnake, Twilightpaw's older brother, goes to look for her in the morning. He catches up with the three she-cats, but Twilightpaw refuses to rejoin. He goes back to SunClan to say goodbye because he doesn't want his sister to be infected by Dawnsplash's terrible morals. Dawnsplash and Steelsnake have never gotten along, but nowadays they hate each other. Steelsnake tells his sister to not trust Dawnsplash and to come back to SunClan but she doesn't care. The four cats travel for a couple of weeks when Dawnsplash gets the idea to form a new clan. There's a place with many rocks that are perfect for various dens, so they set up camp there.

"All right... now we just have to get people to join our clan." Dawnsplash says. "Its name is FireClan because of my BURNING HATRED of SunClan for exiling me! Badgerglow has always been so full of herself, she honestly should have died sooner." Steelsnake is very concerned.

"How about FireClan because of our burning PASSION to be warriors?" Leafbird suggests. "Whatever," Dawnsplash says.

She appoints Leafbird as her deputy, because the only other option is Steelsnake, and Leafbird does whatever Dawnsplash says. Steelsnake objects "But I've had an apprentice, and Leafbird hasn't! Wouldn't it make more sense for me to be deputy?" Dawnsplash says no and goes about her day.

Obviously, convincing people to give their lives to a bunch of people they don't know doesn't work out that well. In the first two weeks of FireClan being founded, only one rogue named Finch joined. "I mean... I'm getting old, why not hang around a few young cats and have some fun." Dawnsplash was ecstatic to have a fourth person to talk to. She was getting bored with the same three people every day. Dawnsplash gave Finch the warrior name Finchsong.

To get more people to join, Dawnsplash started killing people who didn't want to. Their bodies were lying all over the forest. Leafbird was very opposed to this and refused to kill people. This made Dawnsplash upset since her deputy was supposed to set a good example. Eventually, Leafbird did as she was told to make her sister happy, but she felt terrible about it. Steelsnake only killed people if they hurt him badly. Dawnsplash had some actual mercy for once and spared Twilightpaw from having to kill people. Twilightpaw still tried though, but she is very small and weak, so she didn't actually kill anyone. Finchsong was simply just hunting and vibing, and generally disapproved of Dawnsplash's actions. Finchsong knew a few of the cats who got killed and just hoped her children had moved far from the forest before getting hurt.

Dawnsplash's new method to get people to join worked because these people feared for their lives. After about three weeks, Dawnsplash found a cat knowledgeable about herbs to be her medicine cat. Dawnsplash took Berryfoot to the Sacred Tree. She instructed her about how the medicine cats of each clan meet up there every half-moon. Berryfoot was curious about this StarClan stuff but didn't dare question its authenticity to Dawnsplash in case she got killed. Despite doing the leader ceremony completely wrong, since neither one of the she-cats knew how to do it, Dawnsplash managed to get into StarClan to receive her nine lives.

When in StarClan, Dawnsplash saw all the people in her life who had passed away. She was so happy to see everyone except Badgerglow. She immediately started gossiping with Apricotfur. "Wait! We have to give you your lives first!"

"Oh right!" Dawnsplash replied.

She received the life of strength from Apricotfur "so you can be super EXTRA strong," the life of sacrifice from Meadowsun "so you know the clan comes first," and the life of serendipity from Brindlekit "cause you'll need a lot of luck to keep this clan running."

Dawnstar was given her leader name and was free to talk with everyone for a bit. "Wait... I only got three lives though."

Meadowsun stepped closer to Dawnstar and sat down. "We need you to prove yourself as a good leader for the fourth clan. If we gave you nine lives, you would get too reckless." FireClan's first leader kept quiet after that statement.

Dawnstar was happily chatting with everyone in StarClan but wondered what her life would have been like if Brindlekit survived. Would her sister still have been born? She then asked Meadowsun, "What do you think would have happened if you didn't sacrifice yourself for Duskmoss?" Meadowsun says that that is a terrible thing to say since she would have given everything for her kits in any lifetime. Only cats of the highest honor get the sun suffix in SunClan. Dawnsun. Dawnstar reflects on her immature behavior during her time in SunClan. No wonder why I didn't get the name. Even now I'm still not worth it. Instead of working on herself though, she just blamed Stonestar for not seeing how amazing she is. She was THIS CLOSE to actually developing as a person 🤦‍♀️

Then Iriswave joined the clan and she and Steelsnake quickly started dating. "YESSS! HAVE KITS! NOW!" Dawnstar said to him. Steelsnake was like "Yo, chill." A couple of moons later, FireClan's first kit, Dahliakit was born. Around that time, a pregnant couple wandered through FireClan's forest and also joined so their kits wouldn't die. A couple of weeks later Sandfin and Lavenderwing's kits were born, and now there were 4 FireClan members who had no past outside of it.

During the next few moons the clan grew rapidly. During this time, a tomcat named Falcon joined the clan. Dawnstar gave him the warrior name Falconclaw. He seemed so intelligent to Dawnstar. She would talk to him all the time, and he would reciprocate. After a couple of weeks, they became mates.

But things weren't always sunshine and rainbows. Falconclaw would disrespect Dawnstar by acting like he knew more than her (which... he did.) Falconclaw would also flirt with other she-cats all the time, and Dawnstar had enough of it. She broke up with him, but then found out she was expecting his kits.

One moon later, she had her daughter. Dawnstar didn't want to name her. She didn't want her at all. Having to stay in the nursery all day was stressful, because Dawnstar knew for a fact that the FireClan cats had more opportunities to escape since she couldn't watch over them. There were no other queens in the nursery, because everyone is too stressed to be having babies.

When Dawnstar's daughter was a week old, Leafbird asked why she didn't have a name yet. Dawnstar snapped back that since Leafbird wanted her kit to have a name so bad, it was going to be Whitekit for her white fur.

(going to give a really quick summary of events now)

Dawnstar gave Whitekit to SunClan. She became far more tyrannical than before. The cats of FireClan started fighting each other.

Five months later, Leafbird tries to kill Dawnstar. Dawnstar kills Leafbird to defend herself. Dawnstar couldn't believe that someone who used to be her biggest supporter betrayed her so terribly. Dawnstar tells everybody that Leafbird deserves to go to the Dark Forest. Or Hell, as most of them like to call it. That night, Dawnstar cries in her den and soon shuts herself away from forming any meaningful relationships.

Tinystripe is the new deputy of FireClan. Dawnstar trusts he'll do as she say and knows he won't kill anyone, so he definitely won't kill her.

Now that Leafbird was gone, nobody was stopping Dawnstar from attacking SunClan. She can finally get her revenge on them for exiling her. Dawnstar starts sending patrols to SunClan to attack them.

Then in a major battle, Dawnstar is fighting Jadespring. Jadespring is hellbent on getting revenge on Dawnstar, and kills her for killing her sister Badgerglow. The cats of FireClan don't know if Dawnstar's lives are real and the SunClan cats don't think Dawnstar got any. Dawnstar is in StarClan for a while and talks to Apricotfur, then is revived. Dawnstar then proceeds to brutally attack Jadespring, breaking her leg against a rock and scarring her face.

After a couple more moons, Dawnstar doesn't like how her small clan was no match for SunClan. She decides to try an alliance with one of the other clans. SwampClan had Cadmiumstar and AppleClan had Spiderstar. AppleClan has way more warriors than SwampClan. Also Cadmiumstar killed Apricotfur. Dawnstar obviously went to AppleClan to talk to Spiderstar.

Spiderstar was mad at SunClan and SwampClan for whatever petty reasons, so he agreed to Dawnstar's alliance. Spiderstar was also just bored and wanted to see what would happen. Flowerfoot, the AppleClan deputy, doesn't like this idea, but Spiderstar and his unofficial deputy Vireopath tell her to shut up.

Every couple of weeks, Dawnstar would go to AppleClan to discuss more battle strategies. While she is there, she trusts that Tinystripe makes SURE that no one escapes. Or else.

However, one day while travelling in AppleClan's forest, she gets her back leg stuck in a bear trap. Dawnstar struggles to escape and succumbs to blood loss. Instead of being at StarClan, Dawnstar is in a dark void. Her grandmother Meadowsun is watching her at a distance, the stars in her pelt illuminating the sadness on her face. Neither one of them speaks.

Dawnstar wakes up, her foot still attached to the bear trap. Eventually, an AppleClan patrol spots her, and immediately leaves to get one of their medicine cats. Smokyshell arrives and amputates Dawnstar's foot. The rest of the patrol help carry her back to camp.

There was no way Dawnstar was going to go back to her camp by nightfall. She was in no condition to walk right now, especially when her foot could get so easily infected. Dawnstar was cursing herself for travelling so far without any company all this time. The AppleClan cats had no idea where FireClan's camp was. But Dawnstar was lucky, it was the half-moon gathering in a couple days. She urged the medicine cats to tell Berryfoot what had happened.

The medicine cats nodded, but they didn't want to. However, Vireopath was right there, and threatened to demote Smokyshell if no one told FireClan's medicine cat. Or she would just go and tell Berryfoot herself, despite not being allowed at the Sacred Tree. The medicine cats obliged and told Berryfoot what happened.

A couple days later, Tinystripe and Twilghttail arrived at AppleClan. Dawnstar is angry though, why isn't her deputy watching the camp!? He explained that he got his brother Burnttail to watch over everyone. Twilighttail hugs Dawnstar. She is one of the only cats to actually still like her. Dawnstar is fond of her former apprentice. Tinystripe travels back to FireClan the next day.

Over the course of the next few days, Dawnstar's paw heals, and she learns to walk with just three legs. Twilighttail is there the whole time, to the dismay of Spiderstar. She's so short (unholy creature) and is WASTING AppleClan's precious food. Eventually, Dawnstar and Twilighttail travel back to FireClan.

Then another major battle happens about a moon later. Dawnstar sees her daughter Whitepaw fighting against an AppleClan cat. Whitepaw then sees Dawnstar. She is about ten-and-a-half moons old at this point. Dawnstar wanted her daughter back in FireClan, so they could have more warriors. She was sure that Whitepaw would want to be reunited with her birth mother.

Whitepaw did not want to be reunited with her sadistic, tyrannical war criminal of a mother. Unbelievable.

Soon, Dawnstar takes some FireClan cats to train with the AppleClan warriors. Her FireClan spies on the SunClan border found out that SunClan is in an alliance with SwampClan. They're training together! All four clans are preparing for an all-out war.

A few moons later, that war happens. The clans agree to a draw. (I didn't feel like writing it lol)

Dawnstar begs Spiderstar for their clans to keep fighting and he tells her to shut her mouth.

The next gathering, Dawnstar announces that she has BIG PLANS with FireClan. She also publicly announced that her alliance with AppleClan has ended. FireClan is strong enough ON THEIR OWN. Spiderstar thinks that was stupid of her to say since SunClan and SwampClan are still allies. Dawnstar is maniacally grinning at Stonestar, her mortal enemy, the leader of SunClan, who I forgot to write about.

After the gathering, Whiteflame follows FireClan back to their camp. She waits for sunrise, and bites Dawnstar's neck in the middle of camp. Dawnstar tells her warriors to do something while she chokes on her blood. All the cats are standing in shock, but they wouldn't have helped her anyway. Dawnstar shouts, "You're all useless!" and dies for the final time.

Her spirit is in the Dark Forest. "This is impossible! The prophecy said I'd be a great and powerful leader AND I WAS! I should be in StarClan!" Dawnstar walked all around the Dark Forest. She ran into her sister Leafbird. Leafbird is smiling.

"This is what you deserve, Dawnstar! I got you!" Leafbird snickers.

"You? It was clearly Whiteflame who killed me. Are you stupid? Oh wait... you are. Trying to beat the best fighter in a fight," Dawnstar says.

Leafbird then explains how she haunted Whiteflame's dreams to get her to hate Dawnstar. Dawnstar is unimpressed.

A few hours later, Sunstar, the founder of SunClan, appears in front of Dawnstar. He's all like, "Yeah, I sent that prophecy about you because I was bored. The clans haven't been at war in so long. And four clans just sounds better than three clans. For founding FireClan, I'm taking you to StarClan. You don't deserve to be there in the slightest, but then again neither do I."

Dawnstar then gives Tinystar his final life for uh idk.

Dawnstar and Apricotfur regularly hang out in StarClan. Everybody else avoids Dawnstar. Dawnstar just rationalized that they were just afraid of someone with so much influence.

Rotting Flower[]

Dawnstar is stated to be the founder of FireClan, and also a terrible war criminal. Vixenspark mentions her constantly, as Dawnstar is her idol.


Dawnstar is the main antagonist of Distortion. Her cruelty as a tyrant has caused Leafbird to hate Dawnstar's every being.


DuskmossfaceDuskmoss: Mother. Duskmoss is horrified of what Dawnstar has become.

LeafbirdfaceLeafbird: Sister. Leafbird used to worship Dawnstar, but then she realized how awful Dawnstar was. Dawnstar loved Leafbird, mainly because she did everything Dawnstar asked, but then Leafbird tried to kill her. They were best friends until the last few months of their relationship became strained.

ApricotfurfaceApricotfur: Dawnstar's cousin and best friend before Apricotfur's untimely death.

Badgerglow: Former mentor. Dawnpaw hated being bossed around by her. Even when Dawnsplash was a warrior, she couldn't stand Badgerglow either. Badgerglow always thought Dawnsplash was annoying. Dawnsplash killed Badgerglow.

TwilighttailfaceTwilighttail: Apprentice. Twilighttail sees Dawnstar as a maternal figure, but Dawnstar doesn't think so.

StonestarfaceStonestar: Archnemesis. To be expanded.

WhiteflamefaceWhiteflame: Daughter. Dawnstar didn't want her until she could be useful. Man.

SpiderstarfaceSpiderstar: They had an alliance for about a year. They were friends.

FalconclawfaceFalconclaw: Former mate.

To be elaborated.


Great-Grandmother: Antfreckle

Grandmothers: Meadowsun, Roseshade

Grandfathers: Cragtooth, Grassclaw

Mother: DuskmossfaceDuskmoss

Father: RussetpathfaceRussetpath

Sister: LeafbirdfaceLeafbird

Brother: Brindlekit

Former Mate: FalconclawfaceFalconclaw

Daughter: WhiteflamefaceWhiteflame

Granddaughter: Redspark

Grandson: Beetleglow

Great-Grandson: Cloudmoon

Pibling: Deerpaw

Uncle: Adderstorm

Aunt: Poppysong

First Cousins: ApricotfurfaceApricotfur, PeachnosefacePeachnose

First Cousins Once Removed: Kingfishersong, Apricotberry

Nine Lives Ceremony[]

Nine Lives
Life Given by Gift How it was lost






Killed by Jadespring

Blood Loss from a bear trap

Killed by Whiteflame

Dawnstar only received three lives to prove herself worthy to StarClan. Apricotfur was her cousin and best friend, Meadowsun was her grandmother, and Brindlekit was her brother.

Videos Dawnstar Has Appeared In[]

Leafbird and Dawnstar: The 4th YouTube video I ever made

I improved this a month ago (Dawnstar and Leafbird 2): The colored line art 😭

Dawnstar and Leafbird 3: Spinning around 🤪

Money Machine map part 13 (flipaclip): When your money gets burnt :(

Paralyzer Part 19 (MS Paint + Flipaclip): Dawnstar kills her sister (crazy)

Rainbow Connections Map Part: Who wasn't finishing their part 😒

Unfinished Projects 2018-2021: Dawnstar kills her sister multiple times

THIS GUY HATES CHARITY 😡: Dawnstar hates charity 😱

KIDS | Warrior Cat OC PMV: Dawnstar and her strained relationships with Leafbird and Whiteflame

jamz 2019: 2019 Dawnstar awwwwww

Unfinished Animations by yours truly 😘: Dawnstar appears in #5

Meticulous Bird | Warrior Cat OC AMV (Unfinished): 0:03 and 0:10 are her only appearances


Fan Art[]


  • Dawnstar has only cried twice in her entire life
    • The first time is when her best friend Apricotfur died
    • The second time is after Dawnstar killed Leafbird because her biggest supporter betrayed her
  • Dawnstar was created on May 27th, 2017, which was Rushie Cat's 12th birthday
    • This makes her 7 years old, an age she never got to reach in her story
  • Dawnstar is the second of the three main character OCs Rushie Cat has
  • She is Rushie Cat's second favorite OC because of how she does whatever she wants regardless of the consequences. She is also the first Warrior Cats OC Rushie made that had a complete story.