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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Cloudypelt is a fluffy white tom with curly fur and orange eyes (his main picture needs a redraw.) Cloudypelt has long ears, long legs, and a fluffy tail. He is very tall.


Clumsy... that's kind of it ngl he just exists

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

Cloudypelt was born to Softcreek and Lynxfalcon alongside his brother Coldstep. Cloudykit and Coldkit got along great. Right as they were born however, there was a terrible drought that evolved into a famine. Lots of cats died, but Cloudykit, his brother and mother were safe since Spiderstar still let the queens eat first.

When Cloudypaw was 6 moons old, he was apprenticed to Brownstripe, the third tallest cat in the clan. Cloudypaw was showing signs that he would grow tall enough to be in the elites. In AppleClan, there is a height hierarchy: the taller you are, the closer you are to StarClan, and therefore are more important.

Brownstripe is extremely awkward, and barely knew what he was doing. Eventually, him and Cloudypaw got along after Cloudypaw's optimism helped Brownstripe feel more optmistic. Coldpaw's mentor was Soilstrike, and they trained with Cloudypaw and Brownstripe often.

A couple moons after Cloudypaw became an apprentice, his mother had another litter of kits with Lynxfalcon; Wolfkit, Birchkit, and Skykit. Cloudypaw loved to visit them. However, Lynxfalcon died shortly after they were born. Cloudypaw and Coldpaw grieved for their father greatly.

Cloudypelt gained his warrior name for his fluffy fur.

Then in a battle against SunClan, Cloudypelt sustains grave injuries. He bleeds to death after walking back to AppleClan's camp. Loserrrrrrrrrrr.

To be continued.

Rotting Flower[]

Cloudypelt is dead and will be mentioned rarely.


Great-Grandfather: Salmonspots

Grandfather: Frostymint

Grandmother: Shadetuft

Father: Lynxfalcon

Mother: SoftcreekfaceSoftcreek

Brothers: ColdstepfaceColdstep, Birchkit, Wolfkit

Sister: Skypaw

Half-brothers: Bristlekit, Talonkit

Half-sisters: Smokekit, EchopawfaceEchopaw, MagpiepawfaceMagpiepaw

Nephew: Beamkit

Niece: Peachkit

Uncle: Shellfur

Aunts: FlowerstarfaceFlowerstar, Rookpath

First Cousin: Thrushstripe

Adopted Cousins: Goldenleaf, Vulturestone, FawnpetalfaceFawnpetal

