Below contains a list of cats that are or were the leader of a Clan/Group.
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- Abyssalstar
- Abyssgleam
- AbyssStar (AbyssClan)
- Acornpaw
- Acornstar (FC)
- Acornstar (W'sKH)
- Acornstep
- Acornwish
- Addersoul (adderstar)
- Adderstar (MoF)
- Adderstar (Vixentuft)
- Alabasterstar (NotSugarBread)
- Albatrossstar
- Albinomoon
- Alderstar (AL)
- Alderstar (ML)
- Alderstar (TSO)
- Alley
- Alligatorstar
- Almondstar (ShC)
- Amberstar (ALD)
- Amberstar (AP)
- Amberstar (AR)
- Amberstar (BC)
- Amberstar (EF)
- Amberstar (SC)
- Amberstar (TC)
- Amberstone
- Amberstream (Snowclan)
- Antlerstar (Tiger)
- Antstar
- Aphidstar
- Aphstar (AphClan AU)
- Applebrook
- Appleshade
- Applestar (AC)
- Applestar (LKL)
- Applestar (ML)
- Applestar (TDS)
- Aquastar
- Aquastar (JW)
- Archstar (ALD)
- Archstar (TL)
- Arcticstar (DW)
- Arrow
- Ash Pelt
- Ashblaze (SOTC)
- Ashenstar
- Ashstar
- Ashstar (PS)
- Ashstar (RC)
- Ashstar (THS)
- Ashstar (TWW)
- Aspenbark
- Aspenpool (AsC)
- Aspenstar
- Aspenstar (MotS)
- Aspenstar (WMS)
- Asterstar
- Auburnstar (ABIE)
- Aurelia
- Avian
- Azaleabreeze
- Azurestar
- Badgerstar (AWNW)
- Badgerstar (DO)
- Badgerstar (RC)
- Badgerstar (TR)
- Bagelstar
- Bansheestar (Tiger)
- Barkpaw (WoB)
- Barkstar
- Basilstar (SwiftClan)
- Batstar
- Baystar (TDL)
- Beanstar
- Bear
- Bearstar
- Beaverstar
- Beaverstar (RC)
- Beechstar
- Beestar
- BeeStar
- Beestar (HV)
- Beetlestar (MP)
- Belugastar (TUH)
- Berryshadow
- Berrystar (CC)
- Berrystar (IS)
- Berrystar (SW)
- Berrystar (VF)
- Betastar (DR)
- Birchstar (LW)
- Birchtail (TDL)
- Bird Flight (STSC)
- Bitingmoon
- Blackstar (FA)
- Blackstar (KC)
- Blackstar (PotS)
- Blackstar (SC)
- Blackstar (ST)
- Blaze
- Blazefire
- Blazestar (FaF)
- Blazingstar
- Blindstar (FJC)
- Blizzard
- Blizzardstar (HS)
- Bloodshed
- Bloodstar
- Blossomstream
- Bluebellstar
- Bluefeather (FC)
- Bluestar (ASitS)
- Bluestar (HR)
- Bluestar (MC'S ADV)
- Bluestar (RW AU)
- Bluestar (SkC)
- Bluestar (SS)
- Bluestar (TFO)
- Bluestar (TTaMLoB)
- Bluestar (WoL)
- Bluethunder
- Bonestar (MC)
- Bouncestar
- Bouncestar (DR)
- Brackenclaw (TWWF)
- Brackenstar (ML)
- Brackenstar (RWTW)
- Brackenstar (SHC)
- Bramblepatch
- Bramblepelt (TP)
- Bramblestar (AU)
- Bramblestar (BWN)
- Bramblestar (DBTR)
- Bramblestar (W)
- Branchstar
- Branchstar (The Cursed Legacy)
- Branchtail (AOoS)
- Bravestar (BH)
- Bravestar (NB)
- Bravestar (SofS)
- Bravestar (WC)
- Brazenstar
- Breeze (Breezestar)
- Breezestar (DBTR)
- Breezestar (PwS)
- Breezestar (TC)
- Breezestar (TDS)
- Breezestar (TWW)
- Breezestar (TWWF)
- Breezestar (WC)
- Breezewhisper
- Briarstar
- Briarstar (IS)
- Briarstar (WC)
- Brightheart
- Brightstar
- Brightstar (Kunai)
- Brightstar (PoTs)
- Brightstar (Scr)
- Brindle Star
- Brindleheart
- Brindlestar (SC)