Cats who are (or have previously been) elders/old cats.
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All items (583)
- Badgerclaw
- Badgerleg (SpD)
- Barkfall
- Batface
- Batglare
- Beetuft (BH)
- Berrydust
- Berrystripe (DS)
- Berrywhisker
- Bessie (DN)
- Birdsong
- Birdtuft
- Blacklilac (CP)
- Blackwhisker (OC)
- Blizzard (TFR)
- Blizzardcloud (MP)
- Blossombird (DC)
- Blossompetal (LA)
- Blossompool
- Bluefang
- Bluewing
- Boulder (EF)
- Boulderclaw (Detestation)
- Brackenpelt (THD)
- Bramblefur (SC)
- Bramblepatch
- Bramblerain (AU)
- Bramblewatcher (RiT)
- Breezefeather
- Breezespark
- Breezetail
- Briarshadow (THD)
- Briarspeck
- Bright Cloud In the Sky
- Brightclaw
- Bumblebranch
- Bumblesong (MP)
- Burnflower
- Cardinalfrost
- Cattailfoot (NDOD)
- Cedarbeam (CP)
- Cedardew
- Chasebird (WMS)
- Cheetahclaw (Sharp)
- Cheetahflight (TW)
- Cherrybreeze (ATD)
- Chive (XACEX)
- Clawheart (ALW)
- Clawleg
- Cloud'Spring
- Cloudheart
- Cloudrunner
- Cloudseeker (FS)
- Cloudslash
- Cloudwave
- Cloudwhisper
- Cloverspark
- Coldpond
- Conifertuft (EnS)
- Cookiecutter
- Cootwillow
- Copperstone
- Cottonstrike (FoL)
- Cragtooth
- Cranberrypelt
- Creamswirl
- Cricketwillow (TSotS)
- Crown Prince Flip
- Crowpatch
- Crowshade (WoB)
- Crowsinger
- Curlheart
- Curlpelt (MP)
- Cypressclaw
- Daffodilsong
- Daisypond (TSotS)
- Daisyspeck
- Dappledsmoke
- Dapplepetal
- Dappleriver
- Darkflame
- Darkstar (PotA)
- Darkwhisper (LA)
- Dawn
- Dawn Leaf
- Dawneyes (CP)
- Dawnshine
- Dewleaf (HS)
- Dewrose
- Diamondheart
- Doeflower (ANE)
- Doelegs (SotS)
- Downdust (Sharp)
- Driftingswan (TOF)
- Dunesnake (FS)
- Dusk (BC)
- Duskblaze
- Duskmoon (RC)
- Duskmoss
- Duskpool (LW)
- Dustclaw (RC)
- Dustmist
- Dustsight
- Dustvine
- Dustysting (ShB)
- Faithspirit (SoC)
- Fallenbird
- Featherclaw
- Featherface
- Featherfur (VaR)
- Fernthroat (WMS)
- Fickleglade (Tiger)
- Fidgetdash
- Finchsong (Detestation)
- Firefur (ShC)
- Firenose (TE)
- Firerock
- Firestorm (RC)
- Flailwatcher
- Flamewhisker (Stormwhisker200)
- Fleascratch
- Fleckheart (ShB)
- Flickertail (AC)
- Flierfoot
- Flintjaw
- Fliptooth
- Flowerfur (AS)
- Foggyleap
- Foragetail
- Foxclaw
- Foxear
- Frecklerose
- Fred (RF)
- Fringeflit (DaJ)
- Frogpad
- Frondflow (ShB)
- Frostflower (StoneClan)
- Frostpelt