- Burnspark was born into the Clan, but one of their parents resides in another Clan. They were born during Leaf-bare.
- Coladachirp secretly had a litter of 3 kits.
- Burnspark had chosen to use their skills and experience to help solve the Clan's disagreements. A meeting is called, and they become the Clan's newest mediator. (at age 18 moons)
- As Burnpaw touches noses with Roachrumble, they hope they'll get to do something that will really impress the Clan on their first day. Maybe they could catch a big, fat rabbit? Or chase off a fox! That'll show the Clan they're the best apprentice anyone's ever seen!
- PrimroseClan welcomes Burnspark as a new warrior, honoring their honesty.
- They were mentored by Roachrumble. Roachrumble influenced them to be more likely to make impulsive decisions, bicker with others, use words over teeth and claws and have strong inner morals. Roachrumble helped them become better at teaching and caring for camp. When they graduated, they were honored for their honesty. They graduated at 12 moons old.
- Burnspark mentored Rookpaw (17-X(17) moons).
eyes: pale yellow
pelt: speckled
pelt color: dark ginger
white patches: kropka
skin: grey
fur length: long
impulsive as kit
quick to help & picky nest builder as apprentice
great teacher & steady paws
experience: prepared (66)
backstory: half-Clan
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