Pre-Rotting Flower[]
Bristlekit was born to Sedgeclaw and Softcreek alongside his sister Smokekit. He was very angry because of the famine and also because Sedgeclaw's family is just like that. He has two older half-brothers, Brownstripe and Juncocry, on his father's side, but didn't spend time with either of them.
Bristlekit died at two moons old. He was possibly friends with Beamkit if Beamkit lives long enough.
Rotting Flower[]
Bristlekit would be 9 moons old if he was still alive. But he's not :(
Great-Grandmother: Springivy
Great-Grandfathers: Salmonspots
Grandmothers: Shadetuft, Rosewind
Grandfathers: Frostymint, Maplecall
Mother: Softcreek
Father: Sedgeclaw
Sister: Smokekit
Half-Brothers: Brownstripe,
Coldstep, Birchkit, Wolfkit, Talonkit
Half-Sisters: Skypaw, Echopaw,
Aunts: Flowerstar, Rookpath
Uncle: Shellfur
Granduncles: Squirrelstripe
Grandaunts: Olivesnail, Branchstep, Mothheart
Half-Niece: Peachkit
Half-Nephew: Beamkit
First Cousin: Thrushstripe
Adopted First Cousins: Fawnpetal, Goldenleaf, Vulturestone
First Cousins Once Removed: Sunsetclaw, Snapglory, Brightfire, Riverdaze, Spiderdapple, Crescentcloud, Clovepath
Second Cousins: Rootpaw, Ripplekit, Foxglovekit, Sableskip, Dovelace
Fan Art[]
so cute!
- Bristlekit and Smokekit are the characters of mine with the most siblings at 11 each. They have half-siblings on both sides of their family.