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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki

Pre-Rotting Flower[]

Brindlepaw was born to Dapplefire and Sandyheart alongside her siblings Barktuft and Scorpiontail. At two moons old, Dapplefire raised Brindlekit's cousins Cherrykit and Stonekit alongside her own children after their mother Kestrel died.

Brindlepaw was mentored by Antberry. When Brindlepaw was eight moons old, she and Antberry died from greencough around the same time.

Rotting Flower[]

Brindlepaw will appear in the background of a few flashbacks and be mentioned as one of Dapplefire and Sandyheart's children.


Great-Grandmother: Snowlash

Grandmothers: Redflight, Lightningbee, Heatherleaf

Grandfather: Snailpelt

Mother: DapplefirefaceDapplefire

Father: SandyheartfaceSandyheart

Brothers: Barktuft, Spicekit

Sisters: Scorpiontail, Pebblekit

Uncles: Pepperflight, Tanhorse, Halfhawk

Granduncle: Harestep

First Cousins: Deershine, CherrythornfaceCherrythorn, Stonepaw, Glowkit

First Cousins Once Removed: SoilstrikefaceSoilstrike, Antberry, Peachkit, Beamkit

Second Cousin: ElkkitfaceElkkit


  • Brindlepaw's picture was drawn in April 2021