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Warriors OC's Wiki
Warriors OC's Wiki


Boulder (EF)


Boulder is a short haired, frail, blind blue-grey tom.

Boulder was the healer of The Lost and former medicine cat of WindClan under Swiftstar. Formerly known as Boulderclaw, he was the medicine cat of WindClan for many moons. However after he kept visioning the forest being destroyed by twoleg's and a group of rebels leaving the forest, the Clan started to distrust him ; no twoleg's had ever threatened the moor. With suspicious and dismissing eyes following him, he decided to leave WindClan in the night and inform no one of his parting. He managed to find his way out of WindClan's territory before becoming lost until a friendly loner, called Nightfall, found him. Nightfall guided Boulderclaw to the twoleg place to her group called The Lost. The Lost offered shelter and help for any cats in need. After some debate, Boulderclaw (now taking the name Boulder) decided to join The Lost as their healer. The frail tom continued to serve for The Lost and became the temporary leader after Nightfall died until her daughter, Whirlwind, took over.

Many moons later, the Rebels were brought to The Lost, where Boulder helped treat Songcall for an infected wound. Boulder soon realised that the Rebels were the group he visioned leaving the Clans when he was a medicine cat. He urged Cinder, Wildfire and Briar to join the Rebels.
