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Warriors OC's Wiki

Blueblaze is the ThunderClan medicine cat in Damselfly's fanfic Lynxstar's Pain. please do not steal this character. Also, if you want to read the fanfic, there are spoilers here so beware.


Blueblaze is a pale blue-gray she cat. Her fur has thinned out from age, and the fur around her nose has paled to a paler blue gray colour, while her tail has entirely faded to white from age. Her eyes are a pale lemon yellow colour, while her nose and the inside of her ears are a pale but bright shade of pink.


Blueblaze is a strict and silent cat. Because of this she can often appear cold and menacing, but she does care greatly about her clanmates, as seen when in the prolouge of Lynxstar`s pain she is very careful when taking care of Leopardshine. She is also very talented with her words and knows what to say when, as she has had to break difficult news to worrying clanmates many times over the course of her career.


In Lynxstar`s Pain, she is seen in the prolouge reassuring Quailhop, about the whitecough that is spreading around ThunderClan. Afterwards, she checks up on Leopardshine and cools down the fevered she-cat with some cold water. After asking Quailhop to watch over Leopardshine and the other patients,she has a chat with Lynxstar about the whitecough.

The next morning, when Lynxstar goes to see if she and/or her patients want any food, Lynxstar interrupts her before she can speak, and after Lynxstar brings Branchtail a squirrel, she takes the squirrel to give to Branchtail and indirectly mentions that Leopardshine is getting worse. Later on, when Lynxstar announces who will go to the gathering, she and Cliffclaw are mentioned as not being able to go as Frostgleam has started kitting.


  • Blueblaze's tail was originally the same colour as the faded fur around her nose before it in turn started to fade.
  • Blueblaze received her medicine cat name after she had to act as the only ThunderClan medicine cat for a whole night in the aftermath of a fire that ravaged the camp while her mentor Willowdrop was not there.
