Warriors OC's Wiki

Welcome to Warriors OC's Wiki! Please be sure to read our rules and have fun creating pages for your original characters!


Warriors OC's Wiki

These bases are only meant to be exclusively used on the Warriors oc wiki and the Blossomclan wiki. they have no Watermark or signature, but they have been illustrated by Allycat. They were originally planned to be exclusive to the Blossomclan wiki, but now are allowed for free use on the warriors oc wiki as well for the inspiration of creativity and broader spectrum of chararts for original characters. use respectively!

These Blanks are subject to updates! due to their realism and complex lineart, they might not work as intended on all art programs!


  • will there be pixel versions?
    • unfortunately, no.
  • Will these bases be done for all the ranks?
    • yes indeedy!
  • how long does it take for one of these bases to be completed?
    • half a month, around 20 days to be exact!
  • Are these free to use?
    • yes! they are free to use on the warriors oc wiki and the blossomclan wiki respectively!
  • Are you going to do alternate breeds like you have done with seyriix's linearts?
    • those are on the back burner until all the ranks/bases have been completed!

How to use[]



Please do not edit this gallery without permission.
