Blazepelt is a handsome ginger tom with fierce blue eyes. He has a bushy tail, and sharp claws.
Blazepelt is currently a ThunderClan warrior. He was born as Blazekit to Breezestar and Conefoot, along side his littermate Moonkit. Later he was apprenticed to Brackenheart as Blazepaw. When Blazepaw went to his first gathering, Dawnpaw, a ShadowClan apprientice, was making fun of Moonpaw for being blind along with a few other apprientces. Defending his sister, he attacked Dawnpaw, and gathering was over due to the event. Blazepaw was given his warrior name, and met a kittypet named Blue and she eventually bore his kits, Shimmer and Aspen. When Blue decided to keep the kits Blazepelt was devastated and plotted to take the kits to ThunderClan. Twolegs were going to take the kits away, so Blue gave them to Blazepelt to raise. Blazepelt revealed the secret that his kits were have kittypet. The Clan was disgusted, but his mother Breezestar, supported him. Blazepelt has served under Smokestar, Breezestar, Tabbystar and Tigerstar.